Bug #2652
closedcast from ‘jobject {aka __jobject*}’ to ‘jint {aka int}’ loses precision [-fpermissive]
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On some 64-bit linux machine the following error occurs when building Saxon/C on C++:
../../Saxon.C.API/XdmNode.cpp: In member function ‘int XdmNode::getAttributeCount()’:
../../Saxon.C.API/XdmNode.cpp:205:19: error: cast from ‘jobject {aka __jobject*}’ to ‘jint {aka int}’ loses precision [-fpermissive]
A workaround is to cast the lines affected to jlong first. See below:
jint result = (jlong)(proc->environ->env->CallStaticObjectMethod(xdmUtilsClass, xmID, value->xdmvalue));
A fix has been committed to subversion to the XdmNode.cpp file where we cast the value to jlong and then to jint.
Updated by O'Neil Delpratt almost 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
Fix also made in the class SaxonProcessor
Updated by O'Neil Delpratt over 8 years ago
- Found in version set to 1.0.0
- Fixed in version deleted (
Updated by O'Neil Delpratt over 8 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
- Fixed in version set to 1.0.1
Bug fix applied in the Saxon/C 1.0.1 maintenance release.
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