Bug #2875
closedInconsistency between Saxon 9.6 and Saxon 9.7 in output directory with xsl:result-document and @saxon:next-in-chain
This may be related to the behavior I reported in 9.6 in Issue 2310 a while ago, but in this case I have a transformation scenario that was working in all versions of Saxon through 9.6 but breaks in 9.7. Given chained transformations via <xsl:output @saxon:next-in-chain="">, when the final transformation is using xsl:result-document with an @href containing a relative URI, Saxon 9.7 is not resolving the URI relative to the input document but relative to the stylesheet.
I am attaching a simple transformation scenario that will illustrate the different behavior--see the README file.
In my real-world case, I have a more complex sequence of chained transformations, where the final one is producing a run-time error in 9.7:
Error in xsl:result-document/@href on line 29 column 84 of 99-99-save.xsl:
Invalid relative URI syntax: URI is not absolute
Invalid relative URI syntax
I have various workarounds but thought I should submit this report so you can decide whether it's worth addressing.
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