Support #3213
closedSystem function document#1 is not available with this host-language/version/license
When evaluating the following expression:
'not(@typeCode) or count(distinct-values(tokenize(normalize-space(@typeCode),' '))) = count(distinct-values(document('include/voc-')//valueSet/conceptList/concept[@code = distinct-values(tokenize(normalize-space(@typeCode),' '))]/@code))' with the following variables: {$theAttCheck=distinct-values(document('include/voc-')//valueSet/conceptList/concept[@code = distinct-values(tokenize(normalize-space(@typeCode),' '))]/@code), $theAttValue=distinct-values(tokenize(normalize-space(@typeCode),' '))}
- I get the following error:
net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException: System function document#1 is not available with this host-language/version/license
at net.sf.saxon.expr.parser.XPathParser.grumble(
at net.sf.saxon.expr.parser.XPathParser.parseFunctionCall(
at net.sf.saxon.expr.parser.XPathParser.parseBasicStep(
at net.sf.saxon.expr.parser.XPathParser.parseStepExpression(
I'm using Saxon-HE in a Java environment (JRE-8) and I've also tried the EE and CE version - which gives the same error. Is this the intended behavior? Is it to be supported in other versions or languages?
Updated by Michael Kay over 7 years ago
The document() function is defined in XSLT as an XSLT-specific extension to the XPath function library. It is therefore only available in XPath expressions within an XSLT stylesheet. In other contexts you should use the very similar doc() function.
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