Bug #3417

unparsed-text-lines() incorrect behaviour with blank lines
Tests fn-uparsed-text-lines-5[3|4]
fail due to incorrect handling of blank lines. This is for two reasons:
Iter.oneToOne .next()@, when provided with a @ForArray
argument, tests for an end of sequence valueitem = _base.next()
by using!item@. Unfortunately in this case, under @unparsed-text-lines()@, the input is a series of JavaScript strings, for which @!""
istrue@!. Hence the result is terminated at the first blank line. Switching the test to @item === null
seems to sort the problem -
The logic on
does not handle a blank line as the last, i.e. when the last character is a line break, for which that blank line should be ommitted from the result.
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