Support #3540
closedBug XPath format-number function
Good morning.
I'm using the version library.
<xsl:decimal-format name="formatNumber" decimal-separator="," grouping-separator=" "/>
<xsl:value-of select="format-number(55, '### ###,##', 'formatNumber')"/>
Return '55,0' value.
I think it should be '55'?
Thanks for the answer.
Updated by Michael Kay about 7 years ago
Note that the same happens when you use default decimal-format characters:
format-number(55, '###,###.##')
At first sight, this is a consequence of the rule in 4.7.4:
If (after making the above adjustments) the minimum-integer-part-size and the minimum-fractional-part-size are both zero, then the minimum-fractional-part-size is set to 1 (one).
Basically, you either need a digit before the decimal point or a digit after it, and the spec has decided that if you don't ask for either, then you get one after the decimal point.
Updated by Eduard Belov about 7 years ago
Thanks for the answer.
Prompt the best solution.
I need:
- format-number(123456.123, '### ###,##', 'formatNumber') return "123 456,12" It is perfectly
2)format-number(123456, '### ###,##', 'formatNumber') return "123 456,0" Problem, I would like to see "123 456"
If you pay attention
The following function call returns 5,351
Thanks for the help
Updated by Eduard Belov about 7 years ago
Thanks, I figured it out.
format-number(123456, '### ##0,##', 'formatNumber')
Updated by Michael Kay about 7 years ago
- Tracker changed from Bug to Support
- Status changed from New to Closed
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