Bug #4178

License file not found with symbolic links
Reported by user:
There's a bit of inconsistency over how co-locating the licence file and libsaxoneec.so works when used with softlinks.
Soft linking libraries is pretty typical in /usr/lib so I think Saxon should support this.
If I have the below setup in /usr/lib it doesn't work:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 43 Mar 21 22:27 /usr/lib/libsaxoneec.so -> /opt/Saxonica/Saxon-EEC1.1.2/libsaxoneec.so
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 31 Oct 16 14:53 /usr/lib/saxon-license.lic -> /opt/Saxonica/saxon-license.lic
Guessing that the softlink for libsaxoneec.so is resolved to it's real path I tried putting saxon-licence.lic in the same directory, but it doesn't work either:
Some sort of resolving required.
Updated by O'Neil Delpratt over 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
I am revisiting this bug issue to provide a better solution.
As a workaround users with a license can request to activate the product via C++ API. We would send users a small C++ class to activate the product.
Updated by O'Neil Delpratt over 5 years ago
Another workaround would be to use the licenseFileLocation configuration property:
$saxonProc = new Saxon\SaxonProcessor(true);
$saxonProc->setConfigurationProperty("http://saxon.sf.net/feature/licenseFileLocation", "/usr/lib/saxon-license.lic");
Updated by O'Neil Delpratt 9 months ago
- Assignee changed from O'Neil Delpratt to Matt Patterson
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