


Support #4190


Memory usage by index tables (xsl:key on Saxon EE)

Added by Geert Bormans about 5 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.

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Dear support,

I wondered whether I should use the support email address but decided to post here. The answer might be useful to others too. I hope this is OK.

I am working on the improvement of performance of an XSLT transformation using Saxon EE.

I managed to bring down the processing time of a 50MB file by a substantial factor by using xsl:key. I understand this is substantial because Saxon EE builds index tables for the key() function calls.

I am testing this on a windows command line using the java platform and this gives me the processing times using trace.

If I however put the XSLT using the keys, on the test server (Websphere server) I get a heap space error. Put frankly, I believe the server is operating close to its memory limit with the existing transform (it sometimes errors out too it seems). But the (little) memory added for the index tables is pushing it above the limit.

I will be negotiating bigger memory on all servers. But I will need numbers for this.

Two questions come to mind

  1. Is there an easy way to measure the memory consumption of just the Saxon transformation on a windows command-line? That would allow me to compare the memory consumption of the different versions of the stylesheet I am testing

  2. Is there a way to find out what the additional memory consumption of the xsl:key (index tables?) is?

Thanks a lot for your suggestions

Have a nice weekend

Geert Bormans

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