


Support #4538


Maps not being returned properly?

Added by Norman Tovey-Walsh about 4 years ago. Updated about 4 years ago.

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This is sufficiently strange that I will not be surprised if it is complete stupidity on my part, but if it is, I can't see it.

Create a simple document:

<doc><?db style="background-color: red;"?></doc>

Process it with the attached stylesheet:

PIs:  1
Text: style="background-color: red;"
style background-color: red;
map:map{"style":"background-color: red;"}
pimap:map{"style":"background-color: red;"}
Error XTTE0780 while evaluating xsl:message at line 24 of file:/Users/ndw/Projects/docbook/tng/test.xsl: An empty sequence is not allowed as the result of a call to fp:pi-attributes#2

I can not see how that function is ever returning an empty sequence.

Also, but unrelated, if you stick this in a stylesheet:

  <xsl:variable name="dummy" as="element()">
    <doc><?db style="background-color: red;"?></doc>

  <xsl:message select="('Aside: is it a bug or feature that count($dummy/node())=',

it will print the message:

Aside: is it a bug or feature that count($dummy/node())= 0


test.xsl (3.05 KB) test.xsl Norman Tovey-Walsh, 2020-05-02 11:12
test2.xsl (3.44 KB) test2.xsl Norman Tovey-Walsh, 2020-05-02 14:44
Actions #1

Updated by Michael Kay about 4 years ago

As regards the "aside", it's a feature. Processing instructions and comments in the stylesheet are stripped, they don't act as PI or comment constructors as in XQuery. Poor design choice perhaps, but it's what the spec says.

Actions #2

Updated by Michael Kay about 4 years ago

The output I'm seeing is:

PIs:  1
Text: style="background-color: red;"
style background-color: red; 
map: Error XTDE0450 while evaluating xsl:message at line 52 of file:/Users/mike/bugs/2020/4538-Tovey-Walsh/test.xsl: Cannot add a map to an XDM node tree
pimap: Error XTDE0450 while evaluating xsl:message at line 46 of file:/Users/mike/bugs/2020/4538-Tovey-Walsh/test.xsl: Cannot add a map to an XDM node tree
Error XTTE0780 while evaluating xsl:message at line 17 of file:/Users/mike/bugs/2020/4538-Tovey-Walsh/test.xsl: An empty sequence is not allowed as the result of a call to fp:pi-attributes#2

I suspect it's all to do with error handling in xsl:message. xsl:message is defined to produce an XML document node, which is a bit unfortunate when you want to report on the content of maps.

I changed the "map" and "pimap" messages to use, e.g.

<xsl:message select="('map:',serialize($map, map{'method':'adaptive'}))"/>

but the final error remains.

I've now changed the xsl:message on line 17 to xsl:value-of and the main effect is that I get better diagnostics:

Type error on line 52 column 81 of test.xsl:
  XTTE0780  An empty sequence is not allowed as the result of a call to fp:pi-attributes#2
at function fp:pi-attributes on line 40 of test.xsl:
     Focus: absent
     Local variables
        $pis = <?db...?>
        $pimap = map{}
        $map = map{"style":"background-color: red;"}
     invoked by function call at file:/Users/mike/bugs/2020/4538-Tovey-Walsh/test.xsl#26
at function f:pi-attributes on line 20 of test.xsl:
     Focus: absent
     Local variables
        $pis = <?db...?>
     invoked by function call at file:/Users/mike/bugs/2020/4538-Tovey-Walsh/test.xsl#17
  In template rule with match="/" on line 16 of test.xsl
An empty sequence is not allowed as the result of a call to fp:pi-attributes#2

though sadly this gets me no closer to a solution...

Actions #3

Updated by Norman Tovey-Walsh about 4 years ago

Ah. Interesting. It never occurred to me that the problem was in the message. I put them in because I was just developing the code and wanted to see what was going on. I'll rewrite the message to avoid trying to serialize the map.

Actions #4

Updated by Norman Tovey-Walsh about 4 years ago

Ok. I've removed the errors caused by xsl:message, but I'm still seeing a behavior that I can't explain:

PIs:  1
Text: style="background-color: red;"
style background-color: red;
3a:  true
3b:  style
2a:  true
2b:  style
3a:  false

Given that 2a/2b are printing what's just about to be returned, how does 3a become false?

Actions #5

Updated by Vladimir Nesterovsky about 4 years ago

I think the answer here lies in the fact you use nested xsl:message. It's not clear what the output order, as there are two "3a".

Actions #6

Updated by Michael Kay about 4 years ago

fp:pi-attributes() returns a map.

So line 53

<xsl:apply-templates select="fp:pi-attributes(subsequence($pis, 2), $map)"/>

is applying templates to a map.

You don't have a template rule that matches maps, and the built in template rule for maps returns an empty sequence. The apply-templates result is used as the function result, so the function attempts to return an empty sequence, contrary to its declaration.

Have I missed something?

Actions #7

Updated by Norman Tovey-Walsh about 4 years ago

Nope. That'd be the "complete stupidity" that I alluded to at the beginning. Apologies for the noise.

Actions #8

Updated by Michael Kay about 4 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Bug to Support
  • Status changed from New to Closed

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