Support #4797
closedUnknown collection error FODC0002
I'm attempting to run saxon-js in NodeJS to apply XSL 3 transformations currently working in another system with Saxon HE, because saxon-js looks like it can offer a lot more versatility.
I am essentially brand new to XSL so the learning curve is steep.
I'm trying to run the iati.xslt transform (attached) on a sample IATI file using saxon-js for Node.js. I've converted the .xslt file on the command line to .sef.json and am calling the transformation in Node. I'm receiving the following error which seems to indicate the the collection(...)'s on line 90 of the .xslt cannot be resolved. I've ensured that the files specified in the collection() are available in my project files.
// Applying the XSLT3 Ruleset to IATI Files Using SaxonJS
let results = await SaxonJS.transform({
stylesheetFileName: "./rules/iati.sef.json",
sourceFileName: filePath,
destination: "file",
baseOutputURI: "./file_storage/validated/" + xmlIn.md5 + '.xml',
}, "async")
message: 'Unknown collection (no collectionFinder supplied)',
code: 'FODC0002',
xsltLineNr: '90',
xsltModule: 'iati.xslt',
<xsl:variable name="iati-codelists">
<codes version="2.03">
<xsl:apply-templates select="collection('../lib/schemata/2.03/codelist/?select=*.xml;recurse=yes')" mode="get-codelists"/>
<xsl:apply-templates select="collection('../lib/schemata/non-embedded-codelist/?select=*.xml;recurse=yes')" mode="get-codelists"/>
I see that you can use the collectionFinder parameter in the transform function but it's unclear how this should be implemented and I've only found documentation on implementing a collectionFinder in Java.
Is this something implemented in Saxon HE (which is presently doing the work) and not currently in Saxon-Js?
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