Bug #4849
closedLoading configuration file in Saxon-PE fails
Calling Transform from the command line, with the Saxon-PE Jar files on the classpath, and with a configuration file that specifies edition="PE" and that includes the line
<extensionElement namespace="http://saxon.sf.net/sql"
fails saying
Warning on line 8 column 63 of config.xml:
Extension elements are not available in Saxon-HE
Extension elements are not available in Saxon-HE
Reported on StackOverflow at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65141470/saxon-config-file-using-pe-extension-elements-are-not-available-in-saxon-he
Updated by Michael Kay about 4 years ago
The problem is that
protected ConfigurationReader makeConfigurationReader() {
return new ConfigurationReader();
at Configuration#472 has an override in EnterpriseConfiguration
to create a ConfigurationReaderEE
, but it has no override in ProfessionalConfiguration
to create a ConfigurationReaderPE
Updated by Michael Kay about 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Fix Committed on Branch 10, trunk added
Fix committed, but we need to think further about the testing strategy for such problems.
Updated by Michael Kay almost 4 years ago
It looks as if this fix wasn't committed on the 10.x branch, due to a mix up when we reorganised the repository structure (but there hasn't been a public maintenance release since then anyway). It's a simple fix and I will apply it now so it comes out in the next maintenance release.
Updated by Sebastian Vogel almost 4 years ago
Thanks @Michael Kay for digging into this. Is there an ETA on that maintainance release? Or would I be able to use a patched version somehow till the new release goes live?
Updated by Michael Kay almost 4 years ago
It turns out to be a bit more complicated that I thought, which might be why the history is also a bit confused. At present, on the 10.x branch,
- When running from the command line, net.sf.saxon.Transform calls
Configuration.readConfiguration(new StreamSource(configFile));
which is a static method (the same for all editions) that does
Configuration tempConfig = newConfiguration();
return tempConfig.readConfigurationFile(source);
The kind of configuration held in tempConfig
depends solely on what JAR file is on the classpath. The readConfigurationFile(source)
method instantiates a ConfigurationReader
in HE, and a ConfigurationReaderPE
in EE (sic) - there is no separate ConfigurationReaderEE
. There should be an override of the method in PE.
There's a separate two-argument method Configuration readConfigurationFile(Source source, Configuration baseConfiguration)
. This exists only in HE, but it invokes makeConfigurationReader()
which (correctly) has separate versions in HE and PE. But this version is used only when invocation is via the fn:transform() function.
When a configuration file is specified using the JAXP TranformerFactory interface, each TransformerFactory instantiates the correct kind of ConfigurationReader and the logic here appears to be correct.
When a configuration file is specified using the s9api method new Processor(Source)
, we invoke Configuration.readConfiguration(source)
which appears to follow the same (incorrect) path as command-line invocation.
Updated by Michael Kay almost 4 years ago
A workaround is to set the extension element factory programmatically rather than via a configuration file, using the method ProfessionalConfiguration.setExtensionElementNamespace()
. If running from the command line, you can do this in a -init hook, or by subclassing net.sf.saxon.Transform and overriding the initializeConfiguration()
Updated by Michael Kay almost 4 years ago
Confirmed that the problem was already fixed on the development branch.
Updated by O'Neil Delpratt almost 4 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Fixed in Maintenance Release 10.5 added
Bug fix applied to Saxon 10.5 maintenance release.
Updated by Jirka Kosek almost 2 years ago
Hi, any chance of backporting this to 9.9?
I need to call transformation that uses extension elements from exist-db and exist-db still uses Saxon 9.9.
Updated by Norm Tovey-Walsh almost 2 years ago
Saxonica Developer Community notifications@plan.io writes:
Hi, any chance of backporting this to 9.9?
I need to call transformation that uses extension elements from
exist-db and exist-db still uses Saxon 9.9.
I think another maintenance release on the 9.x branch is very unlikely.
Be seeing you,
Norm Tovey-Walsh
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