Support #4895

License error when using Saxon extension (saxon:string-to-base64Binary)
Basically we had the saxon9.9 (saxon9ee.jar) version with the associated license. and due to the case "4860" we had opened regarding the format of numbers generated by "fn:xml-to-json" you provided us the Saxon-EEJ 10.4 release ( ) as a fix without license file. Today we are using the provided jar (saxon-ee-10.4.jar) with the saxon9.9 license. and when we try to execute the function string-to-base64Binary() we get the following error :
Error near {...l-to-json(ns1:map[2]), 'UTF...} at char 0 in xsl:value-of/@select on line 970 column 151 of m_GBO_sw009_json_encode.xslt: XPST0017 Cannot find a 2-argument function named Q{}string-to-base64Binary(). Calls to extension functions are not permitted without a Saxon license. Saxon extension functions require a Saxon-PE or Saxon-EE license
Could you please tell us what we have to do in this case.
Thank you in advance.
Updated by Michael Kay about 4 years ago
Please check the section for troubleshooting license file problems here:!about/license/licensefaq
And if you can't identify the cause of the problem, let us know how you are instantiating the Saxon software.
The most common problems are (a) not having the license file accessible on the classpath, and (b) instantiating using new Processor(false)
rather than new Processor(true)
Updated by fouad MOUTASSIM about 4 years ago
- File commande_Line_Error.JPG commande_Line_Error.JPG added
We are able to call the saxon extension functions when we use the jar "saxon9ee.jar", but when we use the jar "saxon-ee-10.4.jar" which you provided due to case "4860", we get the error license.
And when we try to verify the license using the command line shown in we get the following error: Exception in thread "main" net.sf.saxon.trans.LicenseException: The license file (serial number S008193) does not cover this Saxon maintenance release
Please find attached a screenshot of the command line error.
Updated by Michael Kay about 4 years ago
Thanks for the details. This license was issued on 2019-10-07 with support and upgrade rights until 2020-10-07, so the 10.4 release is indeed not covered.
It looks like you've paid for a renewal of the license but you're still using the old key. I'll check with Ankita to see what the status is.
Updated by Michael Kay almost 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
As a purely technical issue, I'm closing this because the product is working to specification.
If there's still a commercial issue with your upgrade purchase, please email us directly to discuss that offline.
Updated by O'Neil Delpratt almost 4 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
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