


Bug #5749


resolve-uri issue base-uri with a fragment

Added by Daniel Naab almost 2 years ago. Updated almost 2 years ago.

Won't fix
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SaxonJS 2.5 introduced a bug with resolve-uri() and base-uri(), when the base-uri includes a fragment.

A reproduction of this issue is deployed here:

With the corresponding source code here:

You will note that SaxonJS.transform() is invoked with a sourceNode rather than specified by URL. As a result, base-uri falls back to the browser's current URL. Secondly, when that URL includes a fragment, errors of this form are returned:

http://localhost:3000/saxon-js-2.5#fragment contains a fragment identifier; code:FORG0002

Also note that the reproduction confirms that this behavior did not exist in SaxonJS 2.4.

Actions #1

Updated by Norm Tovey-Walsh almost 2 years ago

Thanks. I have this recollection that I recently noticed and fixed this, but I can't immediately locate the corresponding bug. I'll investigate when I get a chance.

Actions #2

Updated by Norm Tovey-Walsh almost 2 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Won't fix

Believe it or not, this isn't a bug (in SaxonJS):

The XPath Functions and Operators spec says of resolve-uri():

A dynamic error is raised [err:FORG0002] if $base is not a valid IRI according to the rules of RFC3987, extended with an implementation-defined subset of the extensions permitted in LEIRI, or if it is not a suitable IRI to use as input to the chosen resolution algorithm (for example, if it is a relative IRI reference, if it is a non-hierarchic URI, or if it contains a fragment identifier).

Looking at the code, the fact that it doesn't raise an error in SaxonJS 2.4 is actually the error.

Well, except that this is completely weird. See

I'm afraid the short-term answer is, strip off the fragment identifier before you call resolve-uri(). :-(

(Assuming the XSLT 4.0 CG is persuaded that this is a completely bogus restriction, and it gets fixed there, it will eventually get fixed in SaxonJS, but for the time being, this is a matter of conformance and we do strive to be conformant.)

Actions #3

Updated by Daniel Naab almost 2 years ago

Ah okay - thank you for the clarification!

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