Bug #5770
closedset_initial_mode does not handle xsl:unnamed and xsl:default
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11.5, 12
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In the python code the PyXsltExecutable.set_initial_mode method does not handle xsl:unnamed and xsl:default
The same problem in the C++ and PHP code. The Java code needs to construct the QName.
There is also some confusion in the documentation if we are passing EQName or QName or localName.
Updated by O'Neil Delpratt about 2 years ago
- Fixed in version set to 12
I have added logic in the Java code to accept local name, EQName and Clark name notation. The user can also use xsl:unnamed and xsl:default.
TODO: add test cases
Updated by O'Neil Delpratt almost 2 years ago
The logic in the Java code to accept local name, EQName and Clark name notation has been applied on the Saxon 11 branch.
Updated by O'Neil Delpratt almost 2 years ago
- Fixed in version changed from 12 to 11.5, 12
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