


Bug #6493


Saxon internal exception when executing xslt MAP

Added by fouad MOUTASSIM 6 months ago. Updated 6 months ago.

Saxon extensions
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Fixed in Maintenance Release:
.NET, Java



We encountered the following error when executing an XSLT map

Cannot invoke "net.sf.saxon.functions.FunctionLibrary.bind(net.sf.saxon.trans.SymbolicName$F, net.sf.saxon.expr.Expression[], net.sf.saxon.expr.StaticContext, java.util.List)" because "lib" is null

It seems to be an internal Saxon error, and we need your help to get more details about it. This is the first time we've encountered this error, it is not systematic, and we can not reproduce it. We are using Saxonica 10.4 with Java,

Please find the map and payload below.

Thanks in advance.


m-tbw-neo-paypal-Brandcheck.xslt (42.5 KB) m-tbw-neo-paypal-Brandcheck.xslt fouad MOUTASSIM, 2024-07-31 15:24
payload_Brandcheck.xml (54 KB) payload_Brandcheck.xml fouad MOUTASSIM, 2024-07-31 15:24

Related issues

Is duplicate of Saxon - Bug #5148: Multithreading issue during compilationClosedMichael Kay2021-10-28

Actions #1

Updated by Michael Kay 6 months ago

Thanks for reporting it.

I see there is an xsl:use-package declaration referencing css-xsl-package. I will need a copy of this package. It would also be good to know exactly how you are compiling and loading the package. At first sight I think it's very likely that the problem is in this area, because relatively few people are taking advantage of the package mechanism in XSLT 3.0. I imagine your CSV package is probably a variant of the one published in the XSLT 3.0 specification, but the devil will be in the detail.

Errors that aren't reproducible are often related to multi-threading. Is there any obvious multithreading in the workload here, for example executing the same stylesheet in two different threads?

Do you have a full stack trace?

Actions #2

Updated by Michael Kay 6 months ago

It looks rather similar to

which was fixed in the 10.7 maintenance release. Is there any reason you haven't moved forward to that release?

Actions #3

Updated by Michael Kay 6 months ago

  • Status changed from New to Duplicate
  • Platforms .NET added

Looking at it again, the symptoms are an exact match to 5148, so I'm going to close this as a duplicate.

If more information comes to light, or if the problem recurs using a Saxon release in which 5148 is supposed to be fixed, then please feel free to reopen.

Actions #4

Updated by Michael Kay 6 months ago

  • Is duplicate of Bug #5148: Multithreading issue during compilation added

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