Bug #6522
openThe documentation for Saxon\SchemaValidator is incorrect
The PHP Saxon\SchemaValidator
documentation for getValidationReport()
incorrectly states that the property to set to get a validation report as an XmlNode is report
and not report-node
. No mention is made there or in the documentation for setProperty()
of the list of properties at https://www.saxonica.com/saxon-c/documentation12/index.html#!configuration/schema, which would be helpful.
Updated by O'Neil Delpratt 2 months ago
Looking at the live SaxonC documentation this has been resolved.
Updated by Debbie Lockett 2 months ago
Where are you looking O'Neil? https://www.saxonica.com/saxon-c/documentation12/index.html#!api/saxon_c_php_api/saxon_c_php_schemavalidator still says:
Get the validation report produced after validating the source document. The reporting feature is switched on by setting the 'report' property on the SchemaValidator: e.g. validator.setProperty('report', 'true'). Returns the report as an XdmNode.
i.e. 'report' has not yet been corrected to 'report-node'.
I also checked the corresponding C API and Python API documentation, and note that https://www.saxonica.com/saxon-c/doc12/html/classSchemaValidator.html#a6f630753665ec7dc169ed6ca168066b5 says:
The validation-report option must have been set to true in the properties to use this feature.
Again this should say 'report-node' not 'validation-report'.
Then referring to https://www.saxonica.com/saxon-c/doc12/html/saxonc.html#PySchemaValidator it looks like there is no such method on the PySchemaValidator
(either that, or the method is undocumented). Should there be?
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