


Bug #6589


Clarify in the documentation where to find serialization parameters

Added by O'Neil Delpratt 2 months ago. Updated 2 days ago.

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12, trunk
Fix Committed on Branch:
12, trunk
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Following the resolution of bug #6588 it would be good to make the clear in the documentation where the user can find the list of serialization parameters they can use.

Actions #1

Updated by O'Neil Delpratt 2 months ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100
  • Applies to branch trunk added
  • Fix Committed on Branch 12, trunk added

Some more text and link to the available parameters (i.e.!extensions/output-extras) has been added in the documentation. This will be available here:!configuration/xslt

Actions #2

Updated by Debbie Lockett 19 days ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to In Progress

I've just committed a further update for the SaxonC documentation: to include a note about the fact that Clark format is used for the names of serialization parameters in non-null namespaces. As well as updating the configuration/xslt section, I have also added a corresponding update for the configuration/xquery section.

But I have come across some further issues I'm not sure about. The sections configuration/xpath and configuration/schema, about setting parameters and properties for XPathProcessor and SchemaValidator respectively, also include ![serialization property] for setProperty - but does this actually mean anything here?

  1. As I understand it, the evaluate methods of XPathProcessor (i.e. evaluate and evaluateSingle) return the result as an XDM value; so does it actually mean anything to supply serialization parameters, and specify an output file using setProperty("o", "output.xml")? Or are those included erroneously?
  2. If specified, I believe an output file from SchemaValidator will be the successfully validated output. Can someone verify if the serialization parameters are relevant here? I'm not sure.
Actions #3

Updated by O'Neil Delpratt 3 days ago

Debbie Lockett wrote in #note-2:

I've just committed a further update for the SaxonC documentation: to include a note about the fact that Clark format is used for the names of serialization parameters in non-null namespaces. As well as updating the configuration/xslt section, I have also added a corresponding update for the configuration/xquery section.

But I have come across some further issues I'm not sure about. The sections configuration/xpath and configuration/schema, about setting parameters and properties for XPathProcessor and SchemaValidator respectively, also include ![serialization property] for setProperty - but does this actually mean anything here?

I have removed the serialization property from XPathProcessor table.

  1. As I understand it, the evaluate methods of XPathProcessor (i.e. evaluate and evaluateSingle) return the result as an XDM value; so does it actually mean anything to supply serialization parameters, and specify an output file using setProperty("o", "output.xml")? Or are those included erroneously?

I agree. I have removed this from the docs.

  1. If specified, I believe an output file from SchemaValidator will be the successfully validated output. Can someone verify if the serialization parameters are relevant here? I'm not sure.

For the SchemaValidator it is currently not being applied but I think that maybe wrong because we should be able to serialization properties such as INDENT and omit the XML declaration.

Actions #4

Updated by O'Neil Delpratt 2 days ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Resolved

I have updated the java code to pick up the serialization properties in the SchemaValidator when we call setOutputFile.

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