Feature #6650

SaxonC-HE wheels for Python 3.13
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Can wheels for Python 3.13 be built and published on PyPI?
Related issues
Updated by O'Neil Delpratt 21 days ago
- Project changed from Saxon to SaxonC
- Category deleted (
Build and release) - Assignee set to Matt Patterson
- SaxonC Platforms All added
Updated by O'Neil Delpratt 21 days ago
- Is duplicate of Bug #6561: SaxonC Support for Python 3.13 added
Updated by Matt Patterson 21 days ago
No, they can't currently be built for 3.13. The version of Cython we were using didn't support 3.13. (see #6561). We will be able to release 3.13-supporting wheels with the next maintenance release of Saxon 12.
Updated by Paul Mairo 20 days ago
No, they can't currently be built for 3.13. The version of Cython we were using didn't support 3.13. (see #6561). We will be able to release 3.13-supporting wheels with the next maintenance release of Saxon 12.
Thanks for the quick answer. Do you have a timeline of when 3.13 will be available?
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