Repro constructied in mike/bugs/2025/6660-Kay.
Running with 12.x, command line
Transform -xsl:assemble-spec.xsl -s:xquery-preprocessed.xml -t -o:out.xml
At assemble-spec#165 I am doing
<xsl:variable name="duplicate" as="xs:integer"
select="xs:integer(count(preceding::prodrecap[@ref=current()/@ref]) + 1)"/>
<xsl:variable name="duplicate2" as="xs:integer">
<xsl:number level="any" count="prodrecap[@ref=current()/@ref]"/>
<xsl:message expand-text="1">*** Duplicate {$duplicate} vs {$duplicate2} at {path(.)} ***</xsl:message>
I would expect the two variables to have the same value, but this is not the case.
The -explain output shows
<nodeNum role="value" level="any">
<dot role="select" type="1NE nQ{}prodrecap" flags="a"/>
<p.withCurrent role="count">
<p.nodeTest test="NE nQ{}prodrecap"/>
<gc10 op="="
cardinality="many-to-many (1.0)"
<axis name="attribute" nodeTest="NA nQ{}ref"/>
<docOrder intra="1">
<varRef name="Q{}current" slot="3"/>
<axis name="attribute" nodeTest="NA nQ{}ref"/>
which looks reasonable -- except that it made me realise there is code running in 1.0 compatibility mode.
Changing this doesn't materially affect the result - the explain output now shows a <vc>
instruction in place of a <gc10>