


Unable to find method using C code

Added by Steve Ball over 6 years ago

I'm developing a package to be able to use Saxon/C with Tcl.

The supplied C interface is working, but the function xsltApplyStylesheet only accepts filenames for the source and stylesheet documents. I'd like the Tcl environment to orchestrate the handling of data; i.e. be able to read XML data into a jobject and pass them directly to the xsltProcessor class' transformToString method.

I'm working on rewriting the SaxonProcessor::parseXmlFromString method in SaxonProcessor.cpp in straight C so that it can interface with the Tcl interpreter.

To achieve this I'm adding a function to SaxonCProcessor.c called 'parseXmlToString'. It is failing trying to find the 'parseXmlString' method. My code looks like this:

jclass cppClass; jmethodID mID;

cppClass = lookForClass(environ.env, "net/sf/saxon/option/cpp/SaxonCAPI");

mID = (*(environ.env))->GetMethodID(environ.env, cppClass, "parseXmlString", "(Lnet/sf/saxon/s9api/Processor;Lnet/sf/saxon/s9api/SchemaValidator;Ljava/lang/String;)Lnet/sf/saxon/s9api/XdmNode;");

After these function calls the cppClass is OK but the mID is NULL.

Any ideas what might be going wrong?

Cheers, Steve Ball

Replies (2)

RE: Unable to find method using C code - Added by Steve Ball over 6 years ago

Posted too soon!

Problem solved: I was using 'GetMethodID' instead of 'GetStaticMethodID'.

Cheers, Steve Ball

RE: Unable to find method using C code - Added by O'Neil Delpratt over 6 years ago

Great. Interesting project please let us know how it goes.


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