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Does the Python API of SaxonC 11 intentionally restrict captured result to PyXdmNode and that way exclude XdmMap/XdmArray/JSON results?
Added by Martin Honnen about 3 years ago
The documentation of says:
Returns: dict [str, PyXdmNode]: Dict of the key, value pair. Indexed by the absolute URI of each result document, and the corresponding value is an PyXdmNode object containing the result document (as an in-memory tree, without serialization).
Isn't that rather restrictive to say it is a dict with PyXdmNode values?
In general an XSLT transformation can also return JSON/XDM maps or arrays and that way any attempt to capture e.g. <xsl:result-document href="result-1.json" method="json"><xsl:sequence select="map { 'value' : 'foo' }"/></xsl:result-document>
would fail as it doesn't construct any node.
Indeed, trying to use such a construct with both set_capture_result_documents(True)
and set_result_as_raw_value(True)
on the PyXsltExecutable
seems to lead to an error "Cannot serialize a map using this output method".
Error at char 6 in expression in xsl:sequence/@select on line 21 column 59
SENR0001 Cannot serialize a map using this output method
In template rule with match="item" on line 18 of
invoked by xsl:apply-templates at #14
In template rule with match="root" on line 12 of
invoked by built-in template rule (shallow-copy)
In template rule with match="/" on line 25 of
{'item-1.json': }
Is that a design flaw in the API or a necessary restriction due to limitations of SaxonC?
Replies (1)
RE: Does the Python API of SaxonC 11 intentionally restrict captured result to PyXdmNode and that way exclude XdmMap/XdmArray/JSON results?
Added by O'Neil Delpratt about 3 years ago
Hi Martin,
Yes this is a design flaw in the API. I have created the following bug issue #5307
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