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Another "yellow zone" StackOverflowError using SaxonC 11.99 HE, this time under Ubuntu Linux, using Python 3.8 and Flask 2.2.2
Added by Martin Honnen about 2 years ago
I have continued to run some samples through SaxonC 11.99 HE, interestingly enough this time I have some Python 3 Flask 2.2.2 web api sample running kind of stable under Windows (I get fine through a lot of requests from three different browsers without any errors) but trying to run the same code from Python 3.8 and Ubuntu 20 gives an error StackOverflowError: Enabling the yellow zone of the stack did not make any stack space available
on the first attempt to a path/api method using SaxonC; the stack trace indeed shows net.sf.saxon.option.cpp.SaxonCAPI.createSaxonProcessor(
Stacktrace for the failing thread 0x00000000010c4c00:
SP 0x00007f97089fc820 IP 0x00007f970b233e80 [image code]
SP 0x00007f97089fc820 IP 0x00007f970b233e80 [image code]
SP 0x00007f97089fc850 IP 0x00007f970b27de04 [image code]
SP 0x00007f97089fc860 IP 0x00007f970b222c9c [image code]
SP 0x00007f97089fc880 IP 0x00007f970b222fd8 [image code]
SP 0x00007f97089fc880 IP 0x00007f970b222fd8 [image code]
SP 0x00007f97089fca00 IP 0x00007f970c0398b3 [image code] net.sf.saxon.option.cpp.SaxonCAPI.createSaxonProcessor(
SP 0x00007f97089fca30 IP 0x00007f970b1deb4a [image code]
from flask import Flask
from flask import g
from saxonc import *
def get_saxon():
if 'saxon' not in g:
g.saxon = PySaxonProcessor(license = False)
return g.saxon
app = Flask(__name__)
def hello_world(): # put application's code here
return 'Hello World!'
def saxontest2():
"""Returns result from Saxon XQuery evaluation"""
return get_saxon().new_xquery_processor().run_query_to_string(query_text = '"Hello from Saxon: " || current-dateTime()')
def teardown_saxonc_thread(exception):
saxon = g.pop('saxon', None)
if saxon is not None:
if __name__ == '__main__':
As soon as I try to load in a browser the error occurs.
As I said, I have the same app running on a different port and Windows and have run several dozen requests from three different browsers without encountering an error.
So no idea why this error occurs.
Complete output:
mh@DESKTOP-H0UJVLG:/mnt/c/Users/marti/PycharmProjects/SaxonC1199FlaskTest3$ python3 -m flask run --port 5001
* Debug mode: off
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Running on
Press CTRL+C to quit - - [22/Dec/2022 22:51:16] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 22:51:16] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 -
Fatal error: StackOverflowError: Enabling the yellow zone of the stack did not make any stack space available. Possible reasons for that: 1) A call from native code to Java code provided the wrong JNI environment or the wrong IsolateThread; 2) Frames of native code filled the stack, and now there is not even enough stack space left to throw a regular StackOverflowError; 3) An internal VM error occurred.
Current timestamp: 1671745891785
Printing Instructions (ip=0x00007f970b233e80):
0x00007f970b233e60: 0x00 0x41 0xc7 0x87 0xfc 0x00 0x00 0x00 0xfe 0xfe 0xfe 0x7e 0x48 0x8b 0x7c 0x24
0x00007f970b233e70: 0x20 0x48 0x8b 0x74 0x24 0x10 0x48 0x8b 0x54 0x24 0x18 0xe8 0x90 0xfc 0xff 0xff
0x00007f970b233e80: 0x90 0xcc 0xcc 0xcc 0xcc 0xcc 0xcc 0xcc 0xcc 0xcc 0xcc 0xcc 0xcc 0xcc 0xcc 0xcc
0x00007f970b233e90: 0x48 0x83 0xec 0x18 0x49 0x3b 0x67 0x08 0x0f 0x86 0x9f 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x48 0x8b
Top of stack (sp=0x00007f97089fc820):
0x00007f97089fc820: 0x00007f97089fc9a0 0x0000000000000003
0x00007f97089fc830: 0x00007f9709ac58f8 0x00007f9709600000
0x00007f97089fc840: 0x00007f970b222c9c 0x00007f970b27de04
0x00007f97089fc850: 0x00007f97ffffffff 0x00007f970b222c9c
0x00007f97089fc860: 0x00007f970f0342c0 0x00007f970f0342c0
0x00007f97089fc870: 0x0000000000000002 0x00007f970b222fd8
0x00007f97089fc880: 0x00007f970e3e7a30 0x0000000000000003
0x00007f97089fc890: 0x002c0038002e0030 0x0044002d00650064
0x00007f97089fc8a0: 0xffffffffffffffff 0xffffffffffffffff
0x00007f97089fc8b0: 0x0036003000710065 0x0000000000000000
0x00007f97089fc8c0: 0x0000000000000002 0x0000000000000000
0x00007f97089fc8d0: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000002
0x00007f97089fc8e0: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
0x00007f97089fc8f0: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
0x00007f97089fc900: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
0x00007f97089fc910: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
0x00007f97089fc920: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
0x00007f97089fc930: 0x00007f96fc000080 0x0000000000000000
0x00007f97089fc940: 0x0000000000000004 0x0000000000000001
0x00007f97089fc950: 0x00007f96fc000700 0x0000000000000000
0x00007f97089fc960: 0x00007f970f109170 0x0000000000909fe0
0x00007f97089fc970: 0x0000000000909fe0 0x0000000000000000
0x00007f97089fc980: 0x00007f970af20558 0x00007f970af20558
0x00007f97089fc990: 0x00007f970ac711b0 0x00007f970e051b38
0x00007f97089fc9a0: 0x00007f96fc000080 0x00007f96fc0008d0
0x00007f97089fc9b0: 0x00007f970af20558 0x0000000000000000
0x00007f97089fc9c0: 0x00000000010c4c00 0x0000000000000000
0x00007f97089fc9d0: 0x0000000000000000 0x00007f96fc0099f0
0x00007f97089fc9e0: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
0x00007f97089fc9f0: 0x00000000010c4c00 0x00007f970c0398b3
0x00007f97089fca00: 0x0000000000000090 0x96192ffc262afe00
0x00007f97089fca10: 0x00007f96fc000910 0x0000000000000000
Top frame info:
TotalFrameSize in CodeInfoTable 48
0x00007f9704000b80 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "Reference Handler" - 0x00007f970a181408, daemon, stack(0x00007f9708c01000,0x00007f9709400000)
0x00000000010c4c00 STATUS_IN_JAVA (PREVENT_VM_FROM_REACHING_SAFEPOINT) "main" - 0x00007f970a181350, stack(0x00007ffdb2dee000,0x00007ffdb35ed000)
VM thread locals for the failing thread 0x00000000010c4c00:
0 (8 bytes): JNIThreadLocalEnvironment.jniFunctions = (bytes)
0x00000000010c4c00: 0x00007f9709d19010
8 (8 bytes): StackOverflowCheckImpl.stackBoundaryTL = (Word) 1 (0x0000000000000001)
16 (4 bytes): Safepoint.safepointRequested = (int) 2147429025 (0x7fff2aa1)
20 (4 bytes): StatusSupport.statusTL = (int) 1 (0x00000001)
24 (32 bytes): ThreadLocalAllocation.regularTLAB = (bytes)
0x00000000010c4c18: 0x00007f9709400000 0x00007f9709500000
0x00000000010c4c28: 0x00007f9709447930 0x0000000000000000
56 (8 bytes): PlatformThreads.currentThread = (Object) java.lang.Thread (0x00007f970a181350)
64 (8 bytes): JavaFrameAnchors.lastAnchor = (Word) 0 (0x0000000000000000)
72 (8 bytes): AccessControlContextStack = (Object) null
80 (8 bytes): ExceptionUnwind.currentException = (Object) null
88 (8 bytes): IdentityHashCodeSupport.hashCodeGeneratorTL = (Object) java.util.SplittableRandom (0x00007f97094477f0)
96 (8 bytes): IsolatedCompileClient.currentClient = (Object) null
104 (8 bytes): IsolatedCompileContext.currentContext = (Object) null
112 (8 bytes): JNIObjectHandles.handles = (Object) (0x00007f9709401158)
120 (8 bytes): JNIThreadLocalPendingException.pendingException = (Object) null
128 (8 bytes): JNIThreadLocalPinnedObjects.pinnedObjectsListHead = (Object) null
136 (8 bytes): JNIThreadOwnedMonitors.ownedMonitors = (Object) null
144 (8 bytes): NoAllocationVerifier.openVerifiers = (Object) null
152 (8 bytes): ThreadingSupportImpl.activeTimer = (Object) null
160 (8 bytes): SubstrateDiagnostics.threadOnlyAttachedForCrashHandler = (bytes)
0x00000000010c4ca0: 0x0000000000000000
168 (8 bytes): ThreadLocalAllocation.allocatedBytes = (Word) 0 (0x0000000000000000)
176 (8 bytes): VMThreads.IsolateTL = (Word) 140286674075648 (0x00007f9709600000)
184 (8 bytes): VMThreads.OSThreadHandleTL = (Word) 140286773598016 (0x00007f970f4e9740)
192 (8 bytes): VMThreads.OSThreadIdTL = (Word) 140286773598016 (0x00007f970f4e9740)
200 (8 bytes): VMThreads.StackBase = (Word) 140727612788736 (0x00007ffdb35ed000)
208 (8 bytes): VMThreads.StackEnd = (Word) 140727604404224 (0x00007ffdb2dee000)
216 (8 bytes): VMThreads.StartedByCurrentIsolate = (bytes)
0x00000000010c4cd8: 0x0000000000000000
224 (8 bytes): VMThreads.nextTL = (Word) 0 (0x0000000000000000)
232 (8 bytes): VMThreads.unalignedIsolateThreadMemoryTL = (Word) 17583088 (0x00000000010c4bf0)
240 (4 bytes): ActionOnExitSafepointSupport.actionTL = (int) 0 (0x00000000)
244 (4 bytes): ActionOnTransitionToJavaSupport.actionTL = (int) 0 (0x00000000)
248 (4 bytes): ImplicitExceptions.implicitExceptionsAreFatal = (int) 0 (0x00000000)
252 (4 bytes): StackOverflowCheckImpl.yellowZoneStateTL = (int) 2130640638 (0x7efefefe)
256 (4 bytes): StatusSupport.safepointBehaviorTL = (int) 1 (0x00000001)
260 (4 bytes): ThreadingSupportImpl.currentPauseDepth = (int) 1 (0x00000001)
No VMOperation in progress
The 15 most recent VM operation status changes (oldest first):
Java frame anchors for the failing thread 0x00000000010c4c00:
No anchors
Stacktrace for the failing thread 0x00000000010c4c00:
SP 0x00007f97089fc820 IP 0x00007f970b233e80 [image code]
SP 0x00007f97089fc820 IP 0x00007f970b233e80 [image code]
SP 0x00007f97089fc850 IP 0x00007f970b27de04 [image code]
SP 0x00007f97089fc860 IP 0x00007f970b222c9c [image code]
SP 0x00007f97089fc880 IP 0x00007f970b222fd8 [image code]
SP 0x00007f97089fc880 IP 0x00007f970b222fd8 [image code]
SP 0x00007f97089fca00 IP 0x00007f970c0398b3 [image code] net.sf.saxon.option.cpp.SaxonCAPI.createSaxonProcessor(
SP 0x00007f97089fca30 IP 0x00007f970b1deb4a [image code]
VM mutexes:
mutex "referencePendingList" is unlocked.
mutex "thread" is unlocked.
mutex "mainVMOperationControlWorkQueue" is unlocked.
AOT compiled code is mapped at 0x00007f970b19c000 - 0x00007f970c9dd94f
Heap settings and statistics:
Supports isolates: true
Heap base: 0x00007f9709600000
Object reference size: 8
Aligned chunk size: 1048576
Incremental collections: 0
Complete collections: 0
Native image heap boundaries:
ReadOnly Primitives: 0x00007f9709701028 - 0x00007f9709a3a570
ReadOnly References: 0x00007f9709a3a570 - 0x00007f9709d18468
ReadOnly Relocatables: 0x00007f9709d19000 - 0x00007f9709f64280
Writable Primitives: 0x00007f9709f65000 - 0x00007f970a08ea58
Writable References: 0x00007f970a08ea58 - 0x00007f970a53ab98
Writable Huge: 0x00007f970a600030 - 0x00007f970a6709b0
ReadOnly Huge: 0x00007f970a671030 - 0x00007f970ac580d8
Young generation:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-1 From:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-1 To:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-2 From:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-2 To:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-3 From:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-3 To:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-4 From:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-4 To:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-5 From:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-5 To:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-6 From:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-6 To:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-7 From:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-7 To:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-8 From:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-8 To:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-9 From:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-9 To:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-10 From:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-10 To:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-11 From:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-11 To:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-12 From:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-12 To:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-13 From:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-13 To:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-14 From:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-14 To:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-15 From:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-15 To:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Old generation:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
aligned: 0/0
Fatal error: StackOverflowError: Enabling the yellow zone of the stack did not make any stack space available. Possible reasons for that: 1) A call from native code to Java code provided the wrong JNI environment or the wrong IsolateThread; 2) Frames of native code filled the stack, and now there is not even enough stack space left to throw a regular StackOverflowError; 3) An internal VM error occurred.
Replies (2)
RE: Another "yellow zone" StackOverflowError using SaxonC 11.99 HE, this time under Ubuntu Linux, using Python 3.8 and Flask 2.2.2
Added by Martin Honnen about 2 years ago
On another try to Windows based app manages some requests but then goes down as well:
FLASK_ENV = development
In folder C:/Users/marti/PycharmProjects/SaxonC1199FlaskTest3
C:\Users\marti\PycharmProjects\SaxonC1199FlaskTest3\venv\Scripts\python.exe -m flask run
* Serving Flask app ''
* Debug mode: off
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Running on
Press CTRL+C to quit - - [22/Dec/2022 23:09:28] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:09:28] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:09:29] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:09:30] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:09:40] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:09:41] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:09:41] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:09:41] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:09:42] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:09:42] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:09:42] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:09:43] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:09:43] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:09:43] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:09:43] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:09:44] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:09:44] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:09:44] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:09:44] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:09:44] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:09:45] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:09:45] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:09:45] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:09:46] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:09:46] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:09:46] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:09:47] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:09:47] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:09:47] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:09:47] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:09:57] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:09:58] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:09:59] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:10:00] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:10:03] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:10:04] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:10:05] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:10:05] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:10:05] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:10:05] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:10:05] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:10:06] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:10:06] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:10:06] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:10:06] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:10:06] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:10:07] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:10:07] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:10:07] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [22/Dec/2022 23:10:08] "GET /saxontest2 HTTP/1.1" 200 -
Fatal error: StackOverflowError: Enabling the yellow zone of the stack did not make any stack space available. Possible reasons for that: 1) A call from native code to Java code provided the wrong JNI environment or the wrong IsolateThread; 2) Frames of native code filled the stack, and now there is not even enough stack space left to throw a regular StackOverflowError; 3) An internal VM error occurred.
Current timestamp: 1671747273922
Printing Instructions (ip=0x00007ffbcb7ed290):
0x00007ffbcb7ed270: 0x00 0x41 0xc7 0x87 0xfc 0x00 0x00 0x00 0xfe 0xfe 0xfe 0x7e 0x48 0x8b 0x54 0x24
0x00007ffbcb7ed280: 0x20 0x4c 0x8b 0x44 0x24 0x10 0x4c 0x8b 0x4c 0x24 0x18 0xe8 0x80 0xfc 0xff 0xff
0x00007ffbcb7ed290: 0x90 0xcc 0xcc 0xcc 0xcc 0xcc 0xcc 0xcc 0xcc 0xcc 0xcc 0xcc 0xcc 0xcc 0xcc 0xcc
0x00007ffbcb7ed2a0: 0x48 0x83 0xec 0x28 0x48 0x89 0x54 0x24 0x20 0x49 0x3b 0x67 0x08 0x0f 0x86 0x66
Top of stack (sp=0x000000cb8bfca6f0):
0x000000cb8bfca6f0: 0x00000001aaa1b000 0x00000211a87516fa
0x000000cb8bfca700: 0x00000211ab2c95d0 0x00000211aae00000
0x000000cb8bfca710: 0x00007ffbcb7db98e 0x00007ffbcb843d54
0x000000cb8bfca720: 0x00000211aad03310 0x00007ffbcb7db98e
0x000000cb8bfca730: 0x00007ffc00000000 0x00007ffc112591be
0x000000cb8bfca740: 0x00000000000000a0 0x00007ffbcb7dbcc2
0x000000cb8bfca750: 0x00000211a87516f0 0x00000211aad65698
0x000000cb8bfca760: 0x00000000ffffffff 0x0000000000000000
0x000000cb8bfca770: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
0x000000cb8bfca780: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
0x000000cb8bfca790: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
0x000000cb8bfca7a0: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
0x000000cb8bfca7b0: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
0x000000cb8bfca7c0: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
0x000000cb8bfca7d0: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
0x000000cb8bfca7e0: 0x0000000000000000 0xbff0000000000000
0x000000cb8bfca7f0: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
0x000000cb8bfca800: 0x0000000000000000 0x736168207463656a
0x000000cb8bfca810: 0x72747461206f6e20 0x00000211aa1d73b0
0x000000cb8bfca820: 0x00000211a7b84670 0x0000000000000000
0x000000cb8bfca830: 0x0000000000000000 0x747461206f6e2073
0x000000cb8bfca840: 0x2720657475626972 0x203a7470656363e4
0x000000cb8bfca850: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
0x000000cb8bfca860: 0x0000000000000000 0x00000211aad4aaf0
0x000000cb8bfca870: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
0x000000cb8bfca880: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
0x000000cb8bfca890: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
0x000000cb8bfca8a0: 0x00000211a8751700 0x00000211a8751700
0x000000cb8bfca8b0: 0x00000211aa689880 0x00000211aa689880
0x000000cb8bfca8c0: 0x0000000000000000 0x00007ffbcc6261fc
0x000000cb8bfca8d0: 0x00000211a7840000 0x00007ffca9e8ce8a
0x000000cb8bfca8e0: 0x00000211a7940000 0x0000000000000000
Top frame info:
TotalFrameSize in CodeInfoTable 48
0x00000211aa689880 STATUS_IN_JAVA (PREVENT_VM_FROM_REACHING_SAFEPOINT) "System-49" - 0x00000211af501028, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211aa688380 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-48" - 0x00000211af601028, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211aa688640 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-47" - 0x00000211af701028, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211aa686dc0 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-46" - 0x00000211ac501028, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211aa686480 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-45" - 0x00000211ac501130, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211aa686340 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-44" - 0x00000211ac501238, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211aa686080 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-43" - 0x00000211ac501340, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211aa685f40 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-42" - 0x00000211ac501448, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211aa686b00 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-41" - 0x00000211ac501550, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211aa685e00 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-40" - 0x00000211ac501658, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211aa685a00 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-39" - 0x00000211ac501760, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211aa686c80 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-38" - 0x00000211ac501868, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211aa6869c0 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-37" - 0x00000211ac501970, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211aa6865c0 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-36" - 0x00000211ac501a78, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211aa684f80 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-35" - 0x00000211ac501b80, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211aa6858c0 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-34" - 0x00000211ac501c88, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211aa686740 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-33" - 0x00000211ac501d90, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211aa686880 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-32" - 0x00000211ac501e98, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211aa6854c0 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-31" - 0x00000211ac501fa0, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211aa685240 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-30" - 0x00000211ac5020a8, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211aa685380 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-29" - 0x00000211ac5021b0, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211aa685780 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-28" - 0x00000211ac5022b8, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211aa685600 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-27" - 0x00000211ac5023c0, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211aa6850c0 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-26" - 0x00000211ac5024c8, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211aa686200 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-25" - 0x00000211ac5025d0, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211aa685cc0 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-24" - 0x00000211ac5026d8, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211aa685b40 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-23" - 0x00000211ac5027e0, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211aa67b440 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-22" - 0x00000211ac5028e8, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211aa67b1c0 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-21" - 0x00000211ac5029f0, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211aa67af00 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-20" - 0x00000211ac502af8, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211aa67ac80 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-19" - 0x00000211ac502c00, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211aa67b080 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-18" - 0x00000211ac502d08, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211aa67adc0 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-17" - 0x00000211ac502e10, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211aa67b840 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-16" - 0x00000211ac502f18, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211aa67ab40 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-15" - 0x00000211ac503020, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211aa67b700 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-14" - 0x00000211ac503128, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211aa67b300 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-13" - 0x00000211ac503230, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211aa67b5c0 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-12" - 0x00000211ac503338, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211a7884fc0 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-11" - 0x00000211ac503440, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211a78e2ac0 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-10" - 0x00000211ac503548, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211a87f1140 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-9" - 0x00000211ac503650, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211a86fa300 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-8" - 0x00000211ac503758, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211a792c6c0 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-7" - 0x00000211ac503860, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211a7860e80 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-6" - 0x00000211ac503968, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211a78be540 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-5" - 0x00000211ac503a70, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211a78fb000 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-4" - 0x00000211ac503b78, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211a7909e80 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-3" - 0x00000211ac503c80, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211a787c740 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-2" - 0x00000211ac503d88, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211a78acf40 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-1" - 0x00000211ac503e90, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211a864a240 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "System-0" - 0x00000211ac503f98, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c3b0000,0x000000cb8c5a0000)
0x00000211a86e2fc0 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "Reference Handler" - 0x00000211ab9900a0, daemon, stack(0x000000cb8c1c0000,0x000000cb8c3b0000)
0x00000211aa5773c0 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "main" - 0x00000211ab98fff0, stack(0x000000cb8ba00000,0x000000cb8bbf0000)
VM thread locals for the failing thread 0x00000211aa689880:
0 (8 bytes): JNIThreadLocalEnvironment.jniFunctions = (bytes)
0x00000211aa689880: 0x00000211ab520010
8 (8 bytes): StackOverflowCheckImpl.stackBoundaryTL = (Word) 1 (0x0000000000000001)
16 (4 bytes): Safepoint.safepointRequested = (int) 2147447142 (0x7fff7166)
20 (4 bytes): StatusSupport.statusTL = (int) 1 (0x00000001)
24 (32 bytes): ThreadLocalAllocation.regularTLAB = (bytes)
0x00000211aa689898: 0x00000211af500000 0x00000211af600000
0x00000211aa6898a8: 0x00000211af52a278 0x0000000000000000
56 (8 bytes): PlatformThreads.currentThread = (Object) java.lang.Thread (0x00000211af501028)
64 (8 bytes): JavaFrameAnchors.lastAnchor = (Word) 0 (0x0000000000000000)
72 (8 bytes): AccessControlContextStack = (Object) null
80 (8 bytes): ExceptionUnwind.currentException = (Object) null
88 (8 bytes): IdentityHashCodeSupport.hashCodeGeneratorTL = (Object) java.util.SplittableRandom (0x00000211af512208)
96 (8 bytes): IsolatedCompileClient.currentClient = (Object) null
104 (8 bytes): IsolatedCompileContext.currentContext = (Object) null
112 (8 bytes): JNIObjectHandles.handles = (Object) (0x00000211af529588)
120 (8 bytes): JNIThreadLocalPendingException.pendingException = (Object) null
128 (8 bytes): JNIThreadLocalPinnedObjects.pinnedObjectsListHead = (Object) null
136 (8 bytes): JNIThreadOwnedMonitors.ownedMonitors = (Object) null
144 (8 bytes): NoAllocationVerifier.openVerifiers = (Object) null
152 (8 bytes): ThreadingSupportImpl.activeTimer = (Object) null
160 (8 bytes): SubstrateDiagnostics.threadOnlyAttachedForCrashHandler = (bytes)
0x00000211aa689920: 0x0000000000000000
168 (8 bytes): ThreadLocalAllocation.allocatedBytes = (Word) 0 (0x0000000000000000)
176 (8 bytes): VMThreads.IsolateTL = (Word) 2274904506368 (0x00000211aae00000)
184 (8 bytes): VMThreads.OSThreadHandleTL = (Word) 1080 (0x0000000000000438)
192 (8 bytes): VMThreads.OSThreadIdTL = (Word) 36440 (0x0000000000008e58)
200 (8 bytes): VMThreads.StackBase = (Word) 874233069568 (0x000000cb8c5a0000)
208 (8 bytes): VMThreads.StackEnd = (Word) 874231037952 (0x000000cb8c3b0000)
216 (8 bytes): VMThreads.StartedByCurrentIsolate = (bytes)
0x00000211aa689958: 0x0000000000000000
224 (8 bytes): VMThreads.nextTL = (Word) 2274896675712 (0x00000211aa688380)
232 (8 bytes): VMThreads.unalignedIsolateThreadMemoryTL = (Word) 2274896681088 (0x00000211aa689880)
240 (4 bytes): ActionOnExitSafepointSupport.actionTL = (int) 0 (0x00000000)
244 (4 bytes): ActionOnTransitionToJavaSupport.actionTL = (int) 0 (0x00000000)
248 (4 bytes): ImplicitExceptions.implicitExceptionsAreFatal = (int) 0 (0x00000000)
252 (4 bytes): StackOverflowCheckImpl.yellowZoneStateTL = (int) 2130640638 (0x7efefefe)
256 (4 bytes): StatusSupport.safepointBehaviorTL = (int) 1 (0x00000001)
260 (4 bytes): ThreadingSupportImpl.currentPauseDepth = (int) 1 (0x00000001)
No VMOperation in progress
The 15 most recent VM operation status changes (oldest first):
1671747007548 - Started Garbage collection (safepoint: true, queueingThread: 0x00000211aa688640, executingThread: 0x00000211aa688640, safepointId: 1)
1671747007554 - Finished Garbage collection (safepoint: true, queueingThread: 0x00000211aa688640, executingThread: 0x00000211aa688640, safepointId: 1)
Java frame anchors for the failing thread 0x00000211aa689880:
No anchors
Stacktrace for the failing thread 0x00000211aa689880:
SP 0x000000cb8bfca6f0 IP 0x00007ffbcb7ed290 [image code]
SP 0x000000cb8bfca6f0 IP 0x00007ffbcb7ed290 [image code]
SP 0x000000cb8bfca720 IP 0x00007ffbcb843d54 [image code]
SP 0x000000cb8bfca730 IP 0x00007ffbcb7db98e [image code]
SP 0x000000cb8bfca750 IP 0x00007ffbcb7dbcc2 [image code]
SP 0x000000cb8bfca750 IP 0x00007ffbcb7dbcc2 [image code]
SP 0x000000cb8bfca8d0 IP 0x00007ffbcc6261fc [image code] net.sf.saxon.option.cpp.SaxonCAPI.createSaxonProcessor(
SP 0x000000cb8bfca900 IP 0x00007ffbcb783947 [image code]
VM mutexes:
mutex "mainVMOperationControlWorkQueue" is unlocked.
mutex "referencePendingList" is unlocked.
mutex "thread" is unlocked.
AOT compiled code is mapped at 0x00007ffbcb731000 - 0x00007ffbccffa46f
Heap settings and statistics:
Supports isolates: true
Heap base: 0x00000211aae00000
Object reference size: 8
Aligned chunk size: 1048576
Incremental collections: 1
Complete collections: 1
Native image heap boundaries:
ReadOnly Primitives: 0x00000211aaf01028 - 0x00000211ab23ec20
ReadOnly References: 0x00000211ab23ec20 - 0x00000211ab51f588
ReadOnly Relocatables: 0x00000211ab520000 - 0x00000211ab76c980
Writable Primitives: 0x00000211ab76d000 - 0x00000211ab89b6f0
Writable References: 0x00000211ab89b6f0 - 0x00000211abd563f0
Writable Huge: 0x00000211abe00030 - 0x00000211abe712e8
ReadOnly Huge: 0x00000211abe72030 - 0x00000211ac463918
Young generation:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-1 From:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-1 To:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-2 From:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-2 To:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-3 From:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-3 To:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-4 From:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-4 To:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-5 From:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-5 To:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-6 From:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-6 To:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-7 From:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-7 To:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-8 From:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-8 To:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-9 From:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-9 To:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-10 From:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-10 To:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-11 From:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-11 To:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-12 From:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-12 To:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-13 From:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-13 To:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-14 From:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-14 To:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-15 From:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Survivor-15 To:
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
Old generation:
aligned: 3145728/3 unaligned: 0/0
aligned chunks:
0x00000211ac500000 (0x00000211ac501028-0x00000211ac5fffc8)
0x00000211ac600000 (0x00000211ac601028-0x00000211ac6fffe0)
0x00000211ac700000 (0x00000211ac701028-0x00000211ac769690)
aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
aligned: 47185920/45
aligned chunks:
0x00000211ac800000 (0x00000211ac801028-0x00000211ac801028)
0x00000211ac900000 (0x00000211ac901028-0x00000211ac901028)
0x00000211aca00000 (0x00000211aca01028-0x00000211aca01028)
0x00000211acb00000 (0x00000211acb01028-0x00000211acb01028)
0x00000211acc00000 (0x00000211acc01028-0x00000211acc01028)
0x00000211acd00000 (0x00000211acd01028-0x00000211acd01028)
0x00000211ace00000 (0x00000211ace01028-0x00000211ace01028)
0x00000211acf00000 (0x00000211acf01028-0x00000211acf01028)
0x00000211ad000000 (0x00000211ad001028-0x00000211ad001028)
0x00000211ad100000 (0x00000211ad101028-0x00000211ad101028)
0x00000211ad200000 (0x00000211ad201028-0x00000211ad201028)
0x00000211ad300000 (0x00000211ad301028-0x00000211ad301028)
0x00000211ad400000 (0x00000211ad401028-0x00000211ad401028)
0x00000211ad500000 (0x00000211ad501028-0x00000211ad501028)
0x00000211ad600000 (0x00000211ad601028-0x00000211ad601028)
0x00000211ad700000 (0x00000211ad701028-0x00000211ad701028)
0x00000211ad800000 (0x00000211ad801028-0x00000211ad801028)
0x00000211ad900000 (0x00000211ad901028-0x00000211ad901028)
0x00000211ada00000 (0x00000211ada01028-0x00000211ada01028)
0x00000211adb00000 (0x00000211adb01028-0x00000211adb01028)
0x00000211adc00000 (0x00000211adc01028-0x00000211adc01028)
0x00000211add00000 (0x00000211add01028-0x00000211add01028)
0x00000211ade00000 (0x00000211ade01028-0x00000211ade01028)
0x00000211adf00000 (0x00000211adf01028-0x00000211adf01028)
0x00000211ae000000 (0x00000211ae001028-0x00000211ae001028)
0x00000211ae100000 (0x00000211ae101028-0x00000211ae101028)
0x00000211ae200000 (0x00000211ae201028-0x00000211ae201028)
0x00000211ae300000 (0x00000211ae301028-0x00000211ae301028)
0x00000211ae400000 (0x00000211ae401028-0x00000211ae401028)
0x00000211ae500000 (0x00000211ae501028-0x00000211ae501028)
0x00000211ae600000 (0x00000211ae601028-0x00000211ae601028)
0x00000211ae700000 (0x00000211ae701028-0x00000211ae701028)
0x00000211ae800000 (0x00000211ae801028-0x00000211ae801028)
0x00000211ae900000 (0x00000211ae901028-0x00000211ae901028)
0x00000211aea00000 (0x00000211aea01028-0x00000211aea01028)
0x00000211aeb00000 (0x00000211aeb01028-0x00000211aeb01028)
0x00000211aec00000 (0x00000211aec01028-0x00000211aec01028)
0x00000211aed00000 (0x00000211aed01028-0x00000211aed01028)
0x00000211aee00000 (0x00000211aee01028-0x00000211aee01028)
0x00000211aef00000 (0x00000211aef01028-0x00000211aef01028)
0x00000211af000000 (0x00000211af001028-0x00000211af001028)
0x00000211af100000 (0x00000211af101028-0x00000211af101028)
0x00000211af200000 (0x00000211af201028-0x00000211af201028)
0x00000211af300000 (0x00000211af301028-0x00000211af301028)
0x00000211af400000 (0x00000211af401028-0x00000211af401028)
Fatal error: StackOverflowError: Enabling the yellow zone of the stack did not make any stack space available. Possible reasons for that: 1) A call from native code to Java code provided the wrong JNI environment or the wrong IsolateThread; 2) Frames of native code filled the stack, and now there is not even enough stack space left to throw a regular StackOverflowError; 3) An internal VM error occurred.
Process finished with exit code 99
So both Windows and Linux don't work reliable and might run into that problem with
SP 0x000000cb8bfca900 IP 0x00007ffbcb783947 [image code]
RE: Another "yellow zone" StackOverflowError using SaxonC 11.99 HE, this time under Ubuntu Linux, using Python 3.8 and Flask 2.2.2
Added by O'Neil Delpratt about 2 years ago
I have created the bug issue #5787 to keep track of this issue and its solution.
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