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Is there a reason why the default toString() of an XdmNode with SaxonJ and SaxonCS seems to use indentation while that doesn't happen for SaxonC?
Added by Martin Honnen about 2 years ago
With SaxonJ (tested with 11.4 HE) I find that the string representation (I supposed implemented by the toString()
method) of an XdmNode
indents the result, thus a sample like
DocumentBuilder docBuilder = processor.newDocumentBuilder();
XdmNode xdmNode1 = StreamSource(new StringReader("<root><item>a</item><item>b</item><item>c</item></root>")));
outputs e.g.
Now with SaxonC ( think both 11.4 as well as 11.99 but currently testing with 11.99) a sample like
from saxonc import *
with PySaxonProcessor(license=False) as proc:
doc_builder = proc.new_document_builder()
xml2 = '''<root><item>a</item><item>b</item><item>c</item></root>'''
xdm_node2 = doc_builder.parse_xml(xml_text = xml2)
outputs <root><item>a</item><item>b</item><item>c</item></root>
While it is probably user dependent and use case dependent what you want in a certain application I wonder why there is that difference between SaxonC and SaxonJ.
Replies (2)
RE: Is there a reason why the default toString() of an XdmNode with SaxonJ and SaxonCS seems to use indentation while that doesn't happen for SaxonC?
Added by O'Neil Delpratt about 2 years ago
I have created a bug issue for this here: #5788
RE: Is there a reason why the default toString() of an XdmNode with SaxonJ and SaxonCS seems to use indentation while that doesn't happen for SaxonC?
Added by O'Neil Delpratt about 2 years ago
It is possible this is a bug against SaxonJ 12.0. Still investigating
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