Support #1816
closedSome problems regarding the java date processing
I would like to report a problem regarding the date/duration data types processing that can be obtained if you try to make some arithmetical operations between java dates (java.util.Date).
For example if you execute from the command line the following transformation:
d:\workspace\eXml\lib>java -jar saxon9ee.jar -xsl:testJavaDates.xsl -it:main
the result is:
Warning: on line 18 of testJavaDates.xsl:
Evaluation will always throw a dynamic error: Arithmetic operator is not defined for
arguments of types (xs:string, xs:string)
Error on line 18 of testJavaDates.xsl:
XPTY0004: Arithmetic operator is not defined for arguments of types (xs:string, xs:string)
in optimizer-created global variable (file:/d:/workspace/eXml/lib/testJavaDates.xsl#18)
Transformation failed: Run-time errors were reported
Note that the above transformation runs without any problems with Saxon So, the question is if the current behavior is a regression or not?
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