Bug #2332
closedSaxon Configuration: Schema
The documentation for the xslt element in the Saxon configuration says (in http://www.saxonica.com/html/documentation/configuration/configuration-file/config-xslt.html): "The xslt element +may+ contain one or more extensionElement children ...".
But in the schema config.xsd, extensionElement is not optional.
As far as I can judge, this does not cause an error, but it is slightly irritating. Is extensionElement really meant to be mandatory?
This is what I use: - marked as invalid in OxygenXML.
Updated by Debbie Lockett almost 10 years ago
Indeed extensionElement children are optional, the schema needs correcting. To fix config.xsd for this issue you could replace <xs:element ref="c:extensionElement"/> with <xs:element ref="c:extensionElement" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> on line 331 (i.e. inside the definition of the xslt element).
We've actually just been made aware of the fact that config.xsd is out of date, and there's another bug open (#2329) to make corrections to config.xsd and to get the corresponding documentation up to date.
Updated by Debbie Lockett almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
The schema has been corrected for this issue, along with a number of other updates. See the resolved bug #2329 - where the up to date file is attached (note that the saxon-resources download is only updated for major releases).
Updated by O'Neil Delpratt almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to In Progress
- Assignee changed from Debbie Lockett to O'Neil Delpratt
- Priority changed from Low to Normal
- % Done changed from 0 to 50
- Found in version set to 9.6
- Fixed in version set to
Bug fix applied in the Saxon maintenance release, but the saxon resources file has not been applied with the fix, therefore I am marking this as in-progress so that we don't lose track of it.
Updated by O'Neil Delpratt almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- Assignee changed from O'Neil Delpratt to Debbie Lockett
- % Done changed from 50 to 100
Th updated Saxon resources file has now been uploaded to the Saxon website. Bug issue now closed.
Updated by O'Neil Delpratt about 9 years ago
- Sprint/Milestone set to
- Applies to branch 9.6 added
- Fix Committed on Branch 9.6 added
- Fixed in Maintenance Release added
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