Bug #2673
closedreturning validation with getValidationReport
Testing validate and then SchemaValidatior::getValidationReport
After setting up and calling validate everytihng seems ok. Then trying to retrieve the results with getValidationReport causes a jet crash
#include //std::system
#include <condition_variable>
#include "SchemaValidator.h"
#include "XdmNode.h"
//Main function.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
std::shared_ptr processor(new SaxonProcessor(true));
std::shared_ptr schemaValidator(processor->newSchemaValidator());
std::cout<<"validate... "<<std::endl;
//XdmNode* vp=schemaValidator->validateToNode("/home/roger/NodeProjects/saxon-node/test/examples/query/books.xml");
std::cout<<"getValidationReport... "<<std::endl;
XdmNode* vp=schemaValidator->getValidationReport();
std::cout<<"vp size "<size()<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"vp\n "<getStringValue()<<std::endl;
return 0;
https://github.com/rimmartin/saxon-node/tree/master/test/examples/query for the xml and xsd
Related issues
Updated by O'Neil Delpratt over 8 years ago
- Category set to C++ API
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assignee set to O'Neil Delpratt
- Priority changed from Low to Normal
Thank you for reporting this error. We will be investigating it and will report back shortly.
Updated by O'Neil Delpratt over 8 years ago
Before calling the validate() and getValidationReport() methods you should set the property to switch on validation reporting. i.e.:
schemaValidator->setProperty("report-node", "true");
Alternatively you can save validation report to file:
val->setProperty("report-file", "filename.xml");
Without the first property being set the variable vp will be NULL (see: http://www.saxonica.com/saxon-c/doc/html/classSchemaValidator.html#a6f630753665ec7dc169ed6ca168066b5). Jet intercepts the seg. errors and produces an error log file, which is probably not that helpful. Running gdb is probably more useful when debugging.
I have noticed that the documentation has these properties missing in http://www.saxonica.com/saxon-c/doc/html/index.html#getting-started. I will raise another bug against the documentation to add these properties.
Updated by O'Neil Delpratt over 8 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to AwaitingInfo
Updated by O'Neil Delpratt over 8 years ago
- Related to Bug #2675: Validation report properties missing from documentation added
Updated by Roger Martin over 8 years ago
We're making progress!
saxon-node wrapper is now supporting validation and xpath for EE edition users of Saxon provided they get a license from you
The other method to XdmNode I''ll add after your patch release; users have the other way till then
Updated by O'Neil Delpratt over 8 years ago
- Status changed from AwaitingInfo to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Found in version set to 1.0.0
Bug fixed and committed to subversion
Updated by O'Neil Delpratt over 8 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
- Fixed in version set to 1.0.1
Bug fix applied in the Saxon/C 1.0.1 maintenance release.
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