Bug #2691
closedlonger custom path to
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When the SAXONC_HOME is set to a path longer than the "/usr/lib" the concatenation that uses dllname and resources_dir falls off the size of the memory allocated for each
"/usr/libr/"; //rename according to product edition (hec or pec) Also make change in the c file
my local work around is
"/usr/libr/\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"; //rename according to product edition (hec or pec) Also make change in the c file
and similarly for resources_dir.
yet this could be too short too but for my use my custom path fits within.
in SaxonCGlue.c
if(getenv("SAXONC_HOME")!= NULL) {
char * env = getenv("SAXONC_HOME");
size_t env_len = strlen(env);
size_t name_len = 15;
size_t rDir_len = 11;
//dllname =malloc(sizeof(char)*name_len);
//resources_dir =malloc(sizeof(char)*rDir_len);
memset(&dllname[0], 0, sizeof(dllname));
memset(&resources_dir[0], 0, sizeof(resources_dir));
strncat(resources_dir, env, env_len);
strncat(resources_dir, "/saxon-data", rDir_len);
strncat(dllname, env, env_len);
strncat(dllname, "/", name_len); //rename according to product edition (-hec or -pec)
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("resources_dir: %s\n", resources_dir);
printf("envDir: %s\n", env);
printf("size of env %i\n", strlen(env));
printf("size of dllname %i\n", strlen(dllname));
printf("dllName: %s\n", dllname);
printf("resources_dir: %s\n", resources_dir);
I don't think the strncat and related functions actually expand the allocation of these variables
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