


Bug #2695


NPE at Assignation.evaluateVariable

Added by O'Neil Delpratt over 8 years ago. Updated over 8 years ago.

Won't fix
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Reported by user Denis:

Saxon 9.7.0-4. I run the following query:

declare namespace s=\"\";
declare namespace c=\"\";
declare variable $id external;
for $cust in fn:collection()/c:Customer[@id=$id]
for $sec in fn:collection()/s:Security[s:Symbol=$cust/c:Accounts/c:Account/c:Holdings/c:Position/c:Symbol/fn:string(.)]
return <Security>{$sec/s:Name/text()}</Security>

providing a particular $id and iterate through expression tree. When I do evaluateVariable for one of VariableReferences NPE is thrown:

java.lang.NullPointerException: null

at ~[Saxon-HE-9.7.0-4.jar:na]

at net.sf.saxon.expr.Assignation.evaluateVariable( ~[Saxon-HE-9.7.0-4.jar:na]


Please have a look.

Note: I just moved to Saxon 9.7. Earlier I use Saxon 9.5.1-8 and had no this NPE issue on the same query.


custacc.xml (5.63 KB) custacc.xml Denis Sukhoroslov, 2016-04-05 16:06
security1500.xml (4.07 KB) security1500.xml Denis Sukhoroslov, 2016-04-05 16:06
security5621.xml (3.29 KB) security5621.xml Denis Sukhoroslov, 2016-04-05 16:06
security9012.xml (2.57 KB) security9012.xml Denis Sukhoroslov, 2016-04-05 16:06
Actions #1

Updated by O'Neil Delpratt over 8 years ago

Information supplied by user:

Regarding the NPE: I use Saxon via its Java API. I have a custom CollectionFinder class. When Saxon run XQuery against collection(-s) I analyze expression tree and return back custom ResourceCollection which select documents dynamically from my external data store. So, the NPE happens even before I select any source document.

A piece of code where NPE happens is:

   if (ex instanceof GeneralComparison10 || ex instanceof GeneralComparison20 || ex instanceof ValueComparison) {
        BinaryExpression be = (BinaryExpression) ex;
        Object value = null;
        String pName = null;
        for (Operand o: be.operands()) {
            Expression e = o.getChildExpression();
            if (e instanceof VariableReference) {
                Binding bind = ((VariableReference) e).getBinding();
                if (bind instanceof LetExpression) {
                    Expression e2 = ((LetExpression) bind).getSequence();
                    if (e2 instanceof Atomizer) {
                        e2 = ((Atomizer) e2).getBaseExpression();
                        if (e2 instanceof VariableReference) {
                            // paired ref to the e
                            pName = ((VariableReference) e2).getBinding().getVariableQName().getLocalPart(); 

                if (pName == null) {
                    pName = bind.getVariableQName().getClarkName();
                value = getValues(bind.evaluateVariable(ctx)); // NPE happens here!
            } else if (e instanceof StringLiteral) {
                value = ((StringLiteral) e).getStringValue();
            } else if (e instanceof Literal) {
                value = getValues(((Literal) e).getValue()); 
Actions #2

Updated by Denis Sukhoroslov over 8 years ago

  • One more related issue: as a quick workaround I catch NPE at this line and set value to null. The expression tree traversal successfully finishes and I return ResourceCollection with one Resource in it (after the first call to CollectionFinder). But Saxon's chained iterators around it return empty sequence for some reason. The implementation of method looks confusing: it returns null result even when it properly fetch nextSource from the underlying base iterator.

The query to test is specified above, @id value is 1011. Sample source documents are attached.

Thanks, Denis.

Actions #3

Updated by Michael Kay over 8 years ago

It's not at all clear to me what you are trying to achieve here, but if you are writing Java code that accesses the expression tree at compile time then you're going to have to be prepared to debug the odd exception, because we make no claim that the methods at this level of the product are completely documented, stable across releases, or robust against arbitrary sequences of calls.

Your particular NPE occurs when you attempt to evaluate a variable on the expression tree. In general variables can't be evaluated at compile time. It's not surprising to me that this should fail. It could also happen that you get an NPE here because "bind" is null: I don't know when you are calling this code, it could be before the variable reference has been linked to the relevant variable binding.

You write: "The implementation of method looks confusing: it returns null result even when it properly fetch nextSource from the underlying base iterator."

I admire anyone who can get as deep into the code as this and have any kind of understanding of what's going on; it's horrendously complex in places and I'm not at all surprised you are confused. Remember that when the base iterator of a mapping iterator returns a next item, it's possible that the mapping function maps that item to an empty sequence, in which case the mapping iterator loops round to select the next item from the base iterator, or returns null if there is no next item. The comments in the code suggest that the mapping function can indicate an empty sequence either by returning an empty iterator or by returning null. I suspect the option of returning null is no longer used.

I think it would be useful if you explained to us what you are trying to achieve. There may be a much more sanitary way of doing it.

Actions #4

Updated by Denis Sukhoroslov over 8 years ago

Hi Michael,

Ok, I'll try to explain. The project I'm working on is: All XML data is sliced and stored in distributed cache. Clients can access the system via XQJ or via proprietary interface. Saxon-HE is used as XQuery engine. I registered a number of custom resolvers (CollectionFinder, SourceResolver, URIResolver) in order to provide to Saxon XML documents dynamically from the cache.

The major point of intergation is my custom CollectionFinder implementation. Here (in the findCollection method) I analyze expression tree and build from it my own set of query expressions against distributed cache. The set of expressions is suplied to the resulting ResourceCollection, so it can dynamically fetch Resources from cache.

The most usual query processing scenario is:

        // _CollectionFinder clnFinder, already registered with Configuration_

        XQueryExpression xqExp = sqc.compileQuery(query);

        clnFinder.setExpression(xqExp); //_ clnFinder got already compiled expression_

        SequenceIterator itr = xqExp.iterator(dqc); // _clnFinder.findCollection called at this time, after expression compilation_

        return new XQIterator(itr); // _iteration on resources happens in this iterator_

when it works on query with only one collection then everything is simple and works fine. I have issues with join case between several collections (see the query above).

Well, the code to analyse expression tree is awkward, but is does work somehow.. most of the time :).. get an NPE here because "bind" is null

no, bind is not null. The NPE happens in Assignation class:

public Sequence evaluateVariable(XPathContext context) throws XPathException {

    Sequence actual = context.evaluateLocalVariable(slotNumber); //_ returned actual is null_

    if (!(actual instanceof GroundedValue || actual instanceof NodeInfo)) {

        actual = SequenceTool.toGroundedValue(actual);

        context.setLocalVariable(slotNumber, actual);


    return actual;


it happens for the join with second collection, so variable reference could be not linked with binding yet. Ok, I'll handle NPE myself.

I admire anyone who can get as deep into the code

It's not me, it's my debugger :).

.. it's possible that the mapping function maps that item to an empty sequence

yes, this is what exactly happens in my case. I found the reason why: I haven't specified collection uris, so there was no second call to collection finder and no way to find the Symbol value to join on.

Thank you so much for the explanations.


Actions #5

Updated by Denis Sukhoroslov over 8 years ago

Michael, could you suggest any better solution for expression tree analysis?

Regarding the issue itself (Bug #2695) - as it is not a bug, let's close it?

Thanks, Denis.

Actions #6

Updated by Michael Kay over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Won't fix
  • Assignee changed from O'Neil Delpratt to Michael Kay

OK, thanks for the explanation. Pleased to see that the new CollectionFinder interface is proving as powerful as I thought it might.

The main problem with the expression tree interface is that it's not really designed for public use: so there are things that it's best not to touch, things that aren't well documented, and things that might not be stable. It's also very sensitive to correct use: there are things you can do with it at compile time, other things you can do with it at run-time. Applications using the expression tree need to be very careful about thread safety (it's single threaded at compile time but multi-threaded at run-time). At compile time, data such as type information is added to the tree progressively, which means it might not be available at any given time, and it can potentially change as more information becomes available. Doing early evaluation of expressions is possible but requires great care because expressions may depend on context information that isn't available yet. Using evaluateVariable() on a local variable isn't going to work unless you are very lucky; for example you could be looking at a parameter of a function call that has no value because the function hasn't actually been called yet. To do evaluation you need an XPathContext object, which has to be initialized properly with a stackframe appropriate to the function that you are in.

An alternative to navigating the tree directly is to snapshot it using an ExpressionPresenter which gives you an XML view (the one you see using -explain or -export). Clearly when you look at the XML view you can't do any harm. We're also hoping that we can preserve a good level of stability in the XML representation across releases, though time will tell whether we've got that right.

If you only need the parse tree then another option is XQueryX - but this will give you a view of the source, it won't give access to any of Saxon's type analysis or optimisation rewrites.

Actions #7

Updated by Denis Sukhoroslov over 8 years ago

Ok, it makes sense. Thank you so much for the detailed answer. I'l think about Saxon XML view option..

Thanks, Denis.

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