Bug #3490
closedXSD identity constraints with exactly 4 fields will validate incorrectly
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Applies to branch:
9.7, 9.8, trunk
Fix Committed on Branch:
9.7, 9.8, trunk
The class ValueEntry4 is used to hold key values when there are exactly four fields in the constraint. The equals() method for ValueEntry4 says:
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
return obj instanceof ValueEntry3 &&
compareValues(value0, ((ValueEntry4) obj).value0) &&
compareValues(value1, ((ValueEntry4) obj).value1) &&
compareValues(value1, ((ValueEntry4) obj).value2) &&
compareValues(value2, ((ValueEntry4) obj).value3);
The first condition (obj instanceof ValueEntry3) will never be true, so the keys will never be equal, so xs:unique and xs:key will fail to report duplicates. Conversely, an xs:keyRef constraint with exactly four fields will never be satisfied.
(Spotted in the code; no test case has actually failed.)
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