Bug #4557
closedsaxon:parse-html() called twice
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Applies to branch:
10, trunk
Fix Committed on Branch:
10, trunk
Fixed in Maintenance Release:
When called with -t, the tracing reveals that in executing the following query, the parse-html() function is called twice:
declare namespace saxon = "";
declare default element namespace "";
saxon:parse-html(unparsed-text('file:///xxxx/yyyy/profile.html'))//table[@class=zzzz']//tr[@class = 'mergedtoprow'][th = 'Country']/td//a//text()
Preliminary investigation shows the expression is translated into a call on the key() function. One call on parse-html() occurs while the index is being built, the other occurs during the key lookup.
As a completely separate question, there's no point in building an index if it is only going to be used once, and I'm surprised this isn't recognized as being the case.
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