Bug #5811

LINQ integration is broken
The testing (and in part, the implementation) of LINQ support is inadequate. There appear to be no saved/committed unit tests. This doesn't mean the code is untested - a lot of it seems to be working - but there are definitely gaps.
I have now discovered (on the unmerged local branch "localize") a set of tests that were written when the coding was done but weren't saved in the project to be run routinely. So the code was largely working in Feb 2022, but it stopped working subsequently as a result of changes elsewhere in the product, and the fact that the tests weren't integrated meant this was overlooked.
Updated by Michael Kay about 2 years ago
I've created TestLinq.cs as a modified copy of TestDOM.cs, converting those tests that are reasonably easy to convert. This reveals that most things are working; however there are crashes because XNodeWrapper and XAttributeWrapper fail to implement the method getNamespaceUri().
[This tells us something about the history: it suggests that the classes were tested at some stage, before the getNamespaceUri()
method was added to the NodeInfo
Adding the method, all the tests that have been converted so far pass.
Updated by Michael Kay about 2 years ago
seems only partially implemented. There's are supporting classes LinqDestinationImpl
and XDocBuilder
, but there is no Saxon.Api.LinqDestination
as one might expect.
I've added LinqDestination
(which is trivial) on top of these, and I've converted the unit tests for DomDestination. Most are working without any trouble.
testBug4509 fails - we're failing to eliminate duplicated namespace declarations. See bug #4509.
(In fact, XDocBuilder at line 65 has a TODO: avoid creating redundant namespaces)
Updated by Michael Kay about 2 years ago
- Project changed from 20 to Saxon
- Category set to .NET API
- Priority changed from Low to Normal
- Applies to branch 12, trunk added
- Platforms .NET added
Updated by Michael Kay about 2 years ago
- Subject changed from LINQ inadequately tested to LINQ integration is broken
- Description updated (diff)
Updated by Michael Kay about 2 years ago
As well as the unit tests, I have now adapted the QT3 test driver so on request it can build the source document as a DOM or LINQ tree. Running the AxisStep tests against LINQ, I'm getting:
334 successes, 1 failures, 0 incorrect ErrorCode, 13 not run
Failing tests:
Turns out that this is caused by the fact that method XNodeWrapper.getAttributeValue(NamespaceUri, string)
is not implemented. This is called when building an index to implement the predicate used by this test case.
Updated by Michael Kay about 2 years ago
Now running the full QT3 test suite with -tree:linq, we get:
Failing tests:
fn-data - 1
fn-doc - 7
fn-element-with-id - 5
fn-for-each - 2
fn-for-each-pair - 1
fn-generate-id - 4
fn-has-children - 4
fn-id - 20
fn-idref - 26
fn-innermost - 19
fn-last - 10
fn-local-name - 3
fn-name - 3
fn-nilled - 17
fn-node-name - 2
fn-normalize-space - 1
fn-outermost - 18
fn-path - 20
fn-position - 4
fn-remove - 1
fn-root - 2
fn-string - 1
fn-string-length - 1
fn-unordered - 4
xs-numeric - 2
op-bang - 2
op-except - 7
op-intersect - 6
op-NOTATION-equal - 10
op-numeric-add - 4
op-union - 2
prod-ArrowPostfix - 1
prod-AxisStep.abbr - 2
prod-AxisStep.ancestor - 4
prod-AxisStep.following - 36
prod-AxisStep.following-sibling - 36
prod-AxisStep.preceding - 38
prod-AxisStep.preceding-sibling - 36
prod-AxisStep.unabbr - 12
prod-CastExpr.schema - 13
prod-Comment - 1
prod-ContextItemExpr - 2
prod-DirElemContent - 7
prod-ExtensionExpr - 4
prod-FLWORExpr - 18
prod-FunctionDecl - 3
prod-GroupByClause - 2
prod-LetClause - 1
prod-Lookup - 2
prod-OrderByClause - 2
prod-OrderingModeDecl - 6
prod-Predicate - 6
prod-SchemaImport - 17
prod-UnaryLookup - 1
prod-WhereClause - 1
prod-WindowClause - 15
misc-CombinedErrorCodes - 1
misc-HigherOrderFunctions - 1
app-Demos - 4
app-FunctxFn - 5
app-UseCaseSEQ - 1
app-UseCaseSTRING - 1
app-Walmsley - 2
app-XMark - 4
Looks like preceding-sibling and following-sibling are the next place to look.
Test t:followingsibling-2 crashes like this:
-s:prod-AxisStep.following-sibling -t:followingsibling-2
in TestSet prod-AxisStep.following-sibling
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Saxon.Hej.tree.iter.IncrementalIterator.next() in /Users/mike/GitHub/saxon2020/build/cs/Saxon/Hej/tree/iter/IncrementalIterator.cs:line 13
at Saxon.Hej.tree.util.Navigator.AxisFilter.next() in /Users/mike/GitHub/saxon2020/build/cs/Saxon/Hej/tree/util/Navigator.cs:line 723
This turns out to be code with a trivial error in IncrementalIterator - which is actually a Java class, though it is now longer used in SaxonJ.
This takes the results to:
30762 successes, 220 failures, 0 incorrect ErrorCode, 769 not run
Failing tests:
fn-data - 1
fn-doc - 5
fn-element-with-id - 5
fn-for-each - 2
fn-for-each-pair - 1
fn-generate-id - 4
fn-has-children - 4
fn-id - 20
fn-idref - 26
fn-innermost - 3
fn-local-name - 1
fn-name - 1
fn-nilled - 15
fn-normalize-space - 1
fn-outermost - 2
fn-remove - 1
fn-root - 2
fn-string - 1
fn-string-length - 1
xs-numeric - 2
op-except - 3
op-intersect - 2
op-NOTATION-equal - 10
op-numeric-add - 4
prod-ArrowPostfix - 1
prod-AxisStep.ancestor - 2
prod-AxisStep.following-sibling - 1
prod-AxisStep.preceding - 1
prod-AxisStep.preceding-sibling - 1
prod-AxisStep.unabbr - 11
prod-CastExpr.schema - 13
prod-Comment - 1
prod-ContextItemExpr - 2
prod-DirElemContent - 7
prod-FLWORExpr - 18
prod-FunctionDecl - 3
prod-GroupByClause - 2
prod-LetClause - 1
prod-Lookup - 2
prod-OrderByClause - 2
prod-OrderingModeDecl - 2
prod-Predicate - 2
prod-SchemaImport - 17
prod-UnaryLookup - 1
prod-WhereClause - 1
prod-WindowClause - 15
misc-CombinedErrorCodes - 1
misc-HigherOrderFunctions - 1
app-Demos - 1
app-FunctxFn - 4
app-UseCaseSEQ - 1
app-Walmsley - 2
Note that some of these, like fn:id and fn:idref, are expected to fail because we don't recognise the ID and IDREF properties on nodes in a LINQ tree.
Updated by Michael Kay about 2 years ago
In fn-has-children-032
, the has-children()
function is returning false for an element that has a single whitespace text node child.
We are applying the test element.FirstNode==null
, which returns true. However, element.IsEmpty
returns false.
This appears to be a test driver issue: we should load the document with LoadOptions.PreserveWhitespace
Unfortunately this introduces extra test failures: prod-AxisStep
is now showing 17 failures, where there were none before.
I think this is because we are now exposing whitespace text node children of the document node, which should never appear in the XDM view.
Fixing this gets us down to 181 test failures.
Updated by Michael Kay about 2 years ago
The failures in windowing tests arise when sorting attribute nodes into document order; the method XAttributeWrapper.getTreeInfo()
is returning null;
Down to 172 failures.
Updated by Michael Kay about 2 years ago
Tests like fn:nilled
and prod-SchemaImport
should not be run because the tree model cannot represent type annotations. This is a test driver issue. The Java test driver handles this by forcing the tree model to TinyTree if validation is requested.
Down to 35 failures.
Updated by Michael Kay about 2 years ago
Test fn-except-node-args-006
is failing because the name() function applied to a processing instruction is returning an empty string. See XNodeWrapper.getDisplayName()
Down to 28 failures:
30954 successes, 28 failures, 0 incorrect ErrorCode, 769 not run
Failing tests:
fn-doc - 3
fn-for-each - 1
fn-id - 6
fn-idref - 6
fn-innermost - 2
fn-outermost - 2
fn-remove - 1
prod-ArrowPostfix - 1
prod-Comment - 1
prod-FunctionDecl - 3
prod-LetClause - 1
prod-Lookup - 2
prod-UnaryLookup - 1
misc-HigherOrderFunctions - 1
Updated by Michael Kay about 2 years ago
This one is strange:
-s:prod-FunctionDecl -t:K-FunctionProlog-8
Assertion error () failed
Expected exception XPST0003; got success
Turns out I've been running the tests with 4.0 syntax enabled. Now down to 18 failures:
31228 successes, 18 failures, 0 incorrect ErrorCode, 505 not run
Failing tests:
fn-doc - 3
fn-for-each - 1
fn-id - 6
fn-idref - 6
fn-innermost - 2
fn-outermost - 2
prod-Comment - 1
Looking at the failing test XQueryComment012, the results of the test appear to be correct but the assert-xml comparison is failing.
assert-xml starts by comparing the two serialisations: in this case they are different because the reference results contain extraneous whitespace (within a start tag).
It then goes on to call saxon:deep-equal() - essentially a tailored version of deep-equal(). This is failing because it's comparing two elements that are reported as having different numbers of attributes. I'm suspicious about the logic of the Java code in SequenceTool.hasLength()
. Simplifying this logic (it's used only by the test driver though it's in the main product).
Down to 17 failures.
Updated by Michael Kay about 2 years ago
The fn-doc failures are due to not ignoring LINQ doctype nodes when scanning the children of a document node.
This also fixes the IDREF failures:
31235 successes, 11 failures, 0 incorrect ErrorCode, 505 not run
Failing tests:
fn-for-each - 1
fn-id - 6
fn-innermost - 2
fn-outermost - 2
The fn-id failures are because we aren't recognizing xml:id
- this is a known restriction.
Id() for xml:id attributes now implemented.
The remaining 5 failures look fairly complicated. I suspect it's something to do with sorting into document order.
Updated by Michael Kay about 2 years ago
I think this might be another case of returning whitespace text node children of the document node - we've filtered those out from the child axis of the document node, but not from other axes, for example the preceding and following axes.
Fixed that.
Now down to one failure: for-each-006
Updated by Michael Kay about 2 years ago
Simplifying the call on local:union() to local:union(local:children#1, local:self#1)
makes the test work successfully.
In fact I can simplify the test to
let $data := (/a)
return $data/*! (@* | .)
which (incorrectly) returns two attributes and no elements,
Indeed, the method XAttributeWrapper.compareOrder()
is incorrect: it returns 0 when comparing the position of an attribute node with that of its parent element, which means the parent element does not get added to the result of the union.
The reason this method is necessary is that the LINQ comparer XNodeDocumentOrderComparer
will only compare XNode
instances, and an XAttribute
is not an XNode
Updated by Michael Kay about 2 years ago
Fixed XAttributeWrapper.compareOrder().
Success! QT3 results with -tree:linq now
31246 successes, 0 failures, 0 incorrect ErrorCode, 505 not run
Updated by Michael Kay about 2 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Sprint/Milestone set to 12.0
- Fix Committed on Branch 12, trunk added
Updated by O'Neil Delpratt almost 2 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Fixed in Maintenance Release 12.1 added
Bug fix applied in the Saxon 12.1 maintenance release.
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