



Saxon Help

Subject Author Created Replies Last message
How to enable XSLT 4 syntax extension with SaxonCS EE? Martin Honnen 2021-10-07 10:13 3 Added by Martin Honnen almost 3 years ago
RE: How to enable XSLT 4 syntax extension with SaxonCS EE?
Error "element found in wrong namespace" when using xml-to-json() Jeff Tennessen 2021-09-28 00:28 3 Added by Jeff Tennessen almost 3 years ago
RE: Error "element found in wrong namespace" when using x...
Does fn:transform not support setting/changing the enable-messages option? Martin Honnen 2021-09-13 13:17 1 Added by Michael Kay almost 3 years ago
RE: Does fn:transform not support setting/changing the en...
Shouldn't com.saxonica.Validate be able to validate XSLT 3 against its internal xslt30.xsd? Martin Honnen 2021-09-05 17:05 0
resolve-uri differences between .xsl and compiled .sef Martin Honnen 2021-09-03 11:46 5 Added by Norm Tovey-Walsh almost 3 years ago
RE: resolve-uri differences between .xsl and compiled .sef
ClassCastException Orphan cannot be cast to AtomicValue in ValueComparison.effectiveBooleanValue Kai Weber 2021-08-23 13:51 6 Added by Michael Kay almost 3 years ago
RE: ClassCastException Orphan cannot be cast to AtomicVal...
Is there any way to set for an XPathCompiler? Martin Honnen 2021-08-19 20:15 2 Added by Michael Kay almost 3 years ago
RE: Is there any way to set
ClassNotFoundException in Saxon 10.5 PE's XPathFactoryImpl constructor when run in Eclipse debug mode Kai Weber 2021-08-20 13:59 4 Added by Kai Weber almost 3 years ago
RE: ClassNotFoundException in Saxon 10.5 PE's XPathFactor...
Ant schemavalidate causes Memory Exception Micha H 2021-08-17 14:50 5 Added by Michael Kay almost 3 years ago
RE: Ant schemavalidate causes Memory Exception
Is there no .NET method for the Java method Martin Honnen 2021-08-17 11:58 1 Added by Michael Kay almost 3 years ago
RE: Is there no .NET method for the Java method https://w...
Shouldn't Saxon ensure input fed to xml-to-json is valid against the schema? Martin Honnen 2021-08-15 19:17 2 Added by Michael Kay almost 3 years ago
RE: Shouldn't Saxon ensure input fed to xml-to-json is va...
Memory Issue Sathya Selva 2021-08-13 08:40 1 Added by Michael Kay almost 3 years ago
RE: Memory Issue
Streaming: should using a step with /copy-of() make a difference to a map operator with !copy-of()? Martin Honnen 2021-08-10 15:34 1 Added by Michael Kay almost 3 years ago
RE: Streaming: should using a step with /copy-of() make a...
Should array { current-group() } be streamable? Martin Honnen 2021-07-07 22:08 3 Added by Michael Kay about 3 years ago
RE: Should array { current-group() } be streamable?
SAXON .NET 10.5.1 Release Notes and Source Christof Reichel 2021-06-17 21:19 2 Added by Christof Reichel about 3 years ago
RE: SAXON .NET 10.5.1 Release Notes and Source
NET XdmNode built by DocumentBuilder.Build from XmlReader Martin Honnen 2021-06-11 21:46 7 Added by Michael Kay about 3 years ago
RE: NET XdmNode built by DocumentBuilder.Build from XmlRe...
Validation errors regarding XSLT (!) during XML transformation Franz Fackelmann 2021-06-09 18:14 4 Added by Michael Kay about 3 years ago
RE: Validation errors regarding XSLT (!) during XML trans...
Is warning "SXQP0001 No more input required" on command line a new, wanted feature in Saxon 10? Martin Honnen 2021-05-07 22:45 0
XSLT 2.0 transformation hangs with Saxon/C 1.2.1 Ulrich Belz 2021-04-15 18:02 4 Added by Ulrich Belz over 3 years ago
RE: XSLT 2.0 transformation hangs with Saxon/C 1.2.1
Upgrading from 9.5.x Divan Mostert 2020-10-29 14:21 22 Added by Divan Mostert over 3 years ago
RE: Upgrading from 9.5.x
Is my attempt to use saxon:canonical serialization extension with fn:serialize wrong? Martin Honnen 2021-04-09 10:52 1 Added by Michael Kay over 3 years ago
RE: Is my attempt to use saxon:canonical serialization ex...
Difference between Saxon Java and Saxon-JS 2 when using xsl:result-document with no href attribute and no -o option Martin Honnen 2021-04-02 12:23 0
I/O error reported by XML parser processing file when running XSLT (Saxon PE Rick Schoen 2021-02-24 19:18 2 Added by Rick Schoen over 3 years ago
RE: I/O error reported by XML parser processing file when...
Command Line to Java Program Sathya Selva 2021-02-11 15:17 20 Added by Michael Kay over 3 years ago
RE: Command Line to Java Program
Saxon 10.3 and classpath: scheme Vladimir Nesterovsky 2021-02-18 11:24 5 Added by Vladimir Nesterovsky over 3 years ago
RE: Saxon 10.3 and classpath: scheme
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