xsl:result-document inside of an xsl:function? |
Martin Honnen |
2024-12-20 22:37 |
1 |
Added by Michael Kay about 2 months ago
RE: xsl:result-document inside of an xsl:function?
TypeScript declaration file |
Karim Ratib |
2024-10-22 19:28 |
0 |
Result of XSLT transformation used as input for further XPath evaluation gives error "Root node for '/' must be a document node" if the identity transformation is not declared as a mode but rather as a template |
Martin Honnen |
2024-03-19 11:02 |
2 |
Added by Martin Honnen 11 months ago
RE: Result of XSLT transformation used as input for furth...
saxon-js 2.6.0 causes "Must use import to load ES Module" |
Karim Ratib |
2023-11-10 22:46 |
2 |
Added by Karim Ratib about 1 year ago
RE: saxon-js 2.6.0 causes "Must use import to load ES Mod...
GET requests in doc() against an API |
Graydon Saunders |
2023-08-26 12:37 |
11 |
Added by Graydon Saunders over 1 year ago
RE: GET requests in doc() against an API
documentPool and textResourcePool for SaxonJS.XPath.evaluate? |
Martin Honnen |
2023-07-08 18:20 |
4 |
Added by Martin Honnen over 1 year ago
RE: documentPool and textResourcePool for SaxonJS.XPath.e...
XML->HTML: No newline after doctype declaration |
Denis Maier |
2023-04-03 12:26 |
11 |
Added by Denis Maier almost 2 years ago
RE: XML->HTML: No newline after doctype declaration
Representing and manipulating implicit state with XSLT |
Karim Ratib |
2023-03-27 01:16 |
4 |
Added by Karim Ratib almost 2 years ago
RE: Representing and manipulating implicit state with XSLT
XDM representation of XML DOM with adjacent text nodes and CDATA sections: SaxonJS.XPath.evaluate parse-xml vs. xslt3 |
Martin Honnen |
2023-01-09 16:43 |
2 |
Added by Michael Kay about 2 years ago
RE: XDM representation of XML DOM with adjacent text node...
Passing a value resulting from SaxonJS.XPath.evaluate as a parameter to fn:transform in further SaxonJS.XPath.evaluate as a typed parameter |
Martin Honnen |
2022-10-26 15:40 |
2 |
Added by Michael Kay over 2 years ago
RE: Passing a value resulting from SaxonJS.XPath.evaluate...
Stray "%" character in xslt3 command line output on Mac M1 |
Martin Honnen |
2022-10-04 20:20 |
2 |
Added by Norm Tovey-Walsh over 2 years ago
Stray "%" character in xslt3 command line output on Mac M1
Fatal error: Saxon-JS 2.3 from Saxonica (*** NO LONGER SUPPORTED ***) |
Deepak Pai |
2022-08-23 12:25 |
4 |
Added by Norm Tovey-Walsh over 2 years ago
RE: Fatal error: Saxon-JS 2.3 from Saxonica (*** NO LONGE...
TypeError: B.replace is not a function |
Takatomo Inoue |
2022-07-23 01:57 |
7 |
Added by Takatomo Inoue over 2 years ago
RE: TypeError: B.replace is not a function
Cross platform Powershell and xslt3 command line arguments/options |
Martin Honnen |
2022-06-12 14:24 |
3 |
Added by Martin Honnen over 2 years ago
RE: Cross platform Powershell and xslt3 command line argu...
"Error parsing supplied SEF" when attempting transform using property stylesheetText |
charlie garrett-jones |
2022-05-31 21:29 |
7 |
Added by charlie garrett-jones over 2 years ago
RE: "Error parsing supplied SEF" when attempting transfor...
Is Saxon-JS right by knowing the prefix `fn` in XSLT without it being declared? |
Martin Honnen |
2022-05-25 23:56 |
3 |
Added by Norm Tovey-Walsh over 2 years ago
RE: Is Saxon-JS right by knowing the prefix `fn` in XSLT ...
using XX compiler in saxon-js (xslt3) |
Alasdair Hurst |
2022-05-18 12:19 |
3 |
Added by Michael Kay over 2 years ago
RE: using XX compiler in saxon-js (xslt3)
resultDocuments property of transform call result not populated? |
Martin Honnen |
2022-05-13 17:53 |
1 |
Added by Debbie Lockett over 2 years ago
RE: resultDocuments property of transform call result not...
Is there any sample on how to use stylesheetInternal? |
Martin Honnen |
2021-09-08 11:41 |
7 |
Added by Debbie Lockett almost 3 years ago
RE: Is there any sample on how to use stylesheetInternal?
Can Saxon-JS process a HTML DOM document with a DOCTYPE node? |
Martin Honnen |
2022-04-20 14:13 |
6 |
Added by Martin Honnen almost 3 years ago
RE: Can Saxon-JS process a HTML DOM document with a DOCTY...
Collation URI for sort in SaxonJS.XPath.evaluate |
Alf Eaton |
2021-10-30 23:52 |
7 |
Added by Debbie Lockett almost 3 years ago
RE: Collation URI for sort in SaxonJS.XPath.evaluate
Support for saxon:column-number |
Alf Eaton |
2021-11-12 21:46 |
2 |
Added by Alf Eaton about 3 years ago
RE: Support for saxon:column-number
Possible to serialize stylesheetInternal? |
Richard Tweeddale |
2021-10-18 15:47 |
2 |
Added by Michael Kay over 3 years ago
RE: Possible to serialize stylesheetInternal?
Should fn:transform in XSLT 3 or SaxonJS.XPath.evaluate support both XSLT and SEF stylesheets? |
Martin Honnen |
2021-09-04 17:34 |
0 |
Using XSpec with Saxon-JS 2 instead of Saxon Java: Error FORG0006 at xpath.xsl#786 |
Martin Honnen |
2021-09-03 00:20 |
1 |
Added by Martin Honnen over 3 years ago
RE: Using XSpec with Saxon-JS 2 instead of Saxon Java: Er...
Different treatment of error in group-starting-with pattern |
Martin Honnen |
2021-08-02 12:02 |
0 |
Saxon-JS usage feedback |
Daniel Naab |
2021-07-26 23:31 |
1 |
Added by Michael Kay over 3 years ago
RE: Saxon-JS usage feedback
XSLT 3 compiles with Saxon Java EE 10.5 but Saxon-JS 2 gives error Error Q{http://www.w3.org/2005/xqt-errors}XTSE0350 at XSLT-value-template.xsl#55 Missing closing brace after expression:{ |
Martin Honnen |
2021-06-06 08:54 |
3 |
Added by Martin Honnen over 3 years ago
RE: XSLT 3 compiles with Saxon Java EE 10.5 but Saxon-JS ...
Should static-base-uri() return the working directory's file URI with a trailing slash? |
Martin Honnen |
2021-05-28 10:01 |
1 |
Added by Debbie Lockett over 3 years ago
RE: Should static-base-uri() return the working directory...
Mystery error |
Michael Lindeboom |
2021-04-05 16:12 |
1 |
Added by Michael Kay almost 4 years ago
RE: Mystery error
Collections and Saxon-js |
Michael Lindeboom |
2021-04-02 21:27 |
1 |
Added by Michael Lindeboom almost 4 years ago
RE: Collections and Saxon-js
result-document href gives me an error |
Michael Lindeboom |
2021-03-31 19:06 |
3 |
Added by Michael Lindeboom almost 4 years ago
RE: result-document href gives me an error
-s and -xp option doesn't seem to find the input file with HTTPS URI |
Martin Honnen |
2021-03-11 13:32 |
1 |
Added by Norm Tovey-Walsh almost 4 years ago
-s and -xp option doesn't seem to find the input file wit...
Event handlers not working with XX compiler |
2021-03-11 14:39 |
2 |
Added by Remy BREFORT almost 4 years ago
RE: Event handlers not working with XX compiler
Is the -s source option resolved in a different way than the -xsl stylesheet option with xslt3? |
Martin Honnen |
2021-03-02 21:23 |
1 |
Added by Norm Tovey-Walsh almost 4 years ago
Is the -s source option resolved in a different way than ...
Regular expression matching using JavaScript regular expression syntax based on ;j flag? |
Martin Honnen |
2021-02-18 11:22 |
1 |
Added by Norm Tovey-Walsh almost 4 years ago
Regular expression matching using JavaScript regular expr...
Performance Profiling for Saxon-JS |
Nik Osvalds |
2021-01-28 19:02 |
2 |
Added by Nik Osvalds about 4 years ago
RE: Performance Profiling for Saxon-JS
Saxon-JS use cases |
Kean Erickson |
2020-12-30 21:58 |
2 |
Added by Kean Erickson about 4 years ago
RE: Saxon-JS use cases
Node.JS: Evaluation context and asynchronous processing other than HTTP requests |
Gustavo Oga |
2020-12-01 22:18 |
3 |
Added by Gustavo Oga about 4 years ago
RE: Node.JS: Evaluation context and asynchronous processi...
Using an object other than the global or window object as JavaScript context |
Michael Kay |
2020-12-01 23:12 |
3 |
Added by Gustavo Oga about 4 years ago
RE: Using an object other than the global or window objec...
Is there a safe way in Saxon-JS to switch to fallback XML locally when a request to API XML returns 404, timeout or other errors? |
Gary Cornelius |
2020-09-03 15:03 |
5 |
Added by Martynas Jusevicius about 4 years ago
RE: Is there a safe way in Saxon-JS to switch to fallback...
Is indent option on xml-to-json not supported? |
Martin Honnen |
2020-10-26 21:51 |
1 |
Added by Michael Kay over 4 years ago
RE: Is indent option on xml-to-json not supported?
Should browser side HTMLDocument allow XPath element selection without explicitly setting up the XHTML namespace as xpathDefaultNamespace? |
Martin Honnen |
2020-08-31 11:53 |
0 |
Is it safe to use fn:transform from SaxonJS.XPath.evaluate on Node? |
Martin Honnen |
2020-08-13 12:34 |
1 |
Added by Michael Kay over 4 years ago
RE: Is it safe to use fn:transform from SaxonJS.XPath.eva...
Serialization difference between Saxon-JS 2 and Saxon Java when using namespace-alias |
Martin Honnen |
2020-08-08 12:18 |
0 |
Error while generating SEF file |
Alvin Alegría |
2020-08-05 23:16 |
3 |
Added by Alvin Alegría over 4 years ago
RE: Error while generating SEF file
fold-left on sequences of maps? |
Martin Honnen |
2020-07-11 09:53 |
3 |
Added by Debbie Lockett over 4 years ago
RE: fold-left on sequences of maps?
How is tokenize($string, '\W+') evaluated? |
Martin Honnen |
2020-07-06 17:04 |
4 |
Added by Michael Kay over 4 years ago
RE: How is tokenize($string, '\W+') evaluated?
HTML entity parsing in David Carlisle's htmlparse.xsl fails in Saxon-JS 2 |
Martin Honnen |
2020-07-02 20:30 |
2 |
Added by Michael Kay over 4 years ago
RE: HTML entity parsing in David Carlisle's htmlparse.xsl...
Failed to compile stylesheet: Focus for child axis is absent with xslt3 while Saxon 9.9 and 10.0 and 10.1 Java compile and execute the code fine |
Martin Honnen |
2020-06-28 16:04 |
2 |
Added by Michael Kay over 4 years ago
RE: Failed to compile stylesheet: Focus for child axis is...